Andrea Cera
Embodied sound design
Abstract Embodied sound design is a process of sound creation that involves the designer’s vocal apparatus and gestures. The possibilities of vocal sketching were investigated by means of an art installation. An artist–designer interpreted several vocal self-portraits and rendered the corresponding synthetic sketches by using physics-based and concatenative sound synthesis. Both synthesis techniques afforded a broad range of artificial sound objects, from concrete to abstract, all derived from natural vocalisations. The vocal-to-synthetic transformation process was then automated in SEeD, a tool allowing to set and play interactively with physics- or corpus-based sound models. The voice-dri…
Sonic in(tro)spection by vocal sketching
How can the art practice of self-representation be ported to sonic arts? In S’i’ fosse suono, brief sonic self-portraits are arranged in the form of an audiovisual checkerboard. The recorded non-verbal vocal sounds were used as sketches for synthetic renderings, using two seemingly distant sound modeling techniques. Through this piece, the authors elaborate on the ideas of self-portrait, vocal sketching, and sketching in sound design. The artistic exploration gives insights on how vocal utterances may be automatically converted to synthetic sounds, and ultimately how designers may effectively sketch in the domain of sound.