Emmanuel Haven
The role of information in a two-traders market
In a very simple stock market, made by only two \emph{initially equivalent} traders, we discuss how the information can affect the performance of the traders. More in detail, we first consider how the portfolios of the traders evolve in time when the market is \emph{closed}. After that, we discuss two models in which an interaction with the outer world is allowed. We show that, in this case, the two traders behave differently, depending on \textbf{i)} the amount of information which they receive from outside; and \textbf{ii)}the quality of this information.
A model of adaptive decision-making from representation of information environment by quantum fields
We present the mathematical model of decision making (DM) of agents acting in a complex and uncertain environment (combining huge variety of economical, financial, behavioral, and geo-political factors). To describe interaction of agents with it, we apply the formalism of quantum field theory (QTF). Quantum fields are of the purely informational nature. The QFT-model can be treated as a far relative of the expected utility theory, where the role of utility is played by adaptivity to an environment (bath). However, this sort of utility-adaptivity cannot be represented simply as a numerical function. The operator representation in Hilbert space is used and adaptivity is described as in quantu…
Toward a formalization of a two traders market with information exchange
This paper shows that Hamiltonians and operators can also be put to good use even in contexts which are not purely physics based. Consider the world of finance. The work presented here {models a two traders system with information exchange with the help of four fundamental operators: cash and share operators; a portfolio operator and an operator reflecting the loss of information. An information Hamiltonian is considered and an additional Hamiltonian is presented which reflects the dynamics of selling/buying shares between traders. An important result of the paper is that when the information Hamiltonian is zero, portfolio operators commute with the Hamiltonian and this suggests that the dy…
First results on applying a non-linear effect formalism to alliances between political parties and buy and sell dynamics
We discuss a non linear extension of a model of alliances in politics, recently proposed by one of us. The model is constructed in terms of operators, describing the \emph{interest} of three parties to form, or not, some political alliance with the other parties. The time evolution of what we call \emph{the decision functions} is deduced by introducing a suitable hamiltonian, which describes the main effects of the interactions of the parties amongst themselves and with their \emph{environments}, {which are }generated by their electors and by people who still have no clear {idea }for which party to vote (or even if to vote). The hamiltonian contains some non-linear effects, which takes into…