Peter Klawki
Spinal cord monitoring during intraspinal extramedullary tumor operations (Peroneal nerve evoked responses)
Longterm scalp recording of early SEP components triggered by peroneal or tibial nerve stimulation detects functional disturbances of spinal cord transmission due to mechanical trauma. We confirm previous observations that preoperative SEP patterns reflect neurological deficits and clearly show functional disturbances even on the side where they are not manifest. Peroneal nerve SEP have a well-known P40-peak corresponding to activities of neurons at the postcentral cortical layers. The P40-peak was identified in only 55% of our recordings. We therefore, tried to use the P50-peak that could be identified in 100% of the recordings under the difficult recording circumstances in the operating r…
Contribution of thallium-201-SPECT to the grading of tumorous alterations of the brain
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with thallium-201-chloride (201Tl) was used in 22 patients to assess the grade of malignancy of brain tumors. Low- and high-grade malignant gliomas could be well differentiated by calculating the Grade Index (GI), i.e., 201Tl uptake in the tumor area relative to a contralateral brain region. Low-grade gliomas (WHO-grade I-II) usually showed a GI of1.5. Tumors classified histologically as high-grade malignant (WHO-grade III-IV) had GI values greater than 1.42 and a mean value of 1.89. Until labelled amino-acid tracers for gamma-cameras become commercially available, thallium-201 brain-SPECT can provide an independent and complementary method…