Jesus M. Mira
Non anomalous U(1)_H gauge model of flavor
A non anomalous horizontal $U(1)_H$ gauge symmetry can be responsible for the fermion mass hierarchies of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Imposing the consistency conditions for the absence of gauge anomalies yields the following results: i) unification of leptons and down-type quarks Yukawa couplings is allowed at most for two generations. ii) The $\mu$ term is necessarily somewhat below the supersymmetry breaking scale. iii) The determinant of the quark mass matrix vanishes, and there is no strong $CP$ problem. iv) The superpotential has accidental $B$ and $L$ symmetries. The prediction $m_{\rm up}=0$ allows for an unambiguous test of the model at low energy.
Bilinear R-parity violation and small neutrino masses: A self-consistent framework
We study extensions of supersymmetric models without R-parity which include an anomalous U(1)_H horizontal symmetry. Bilinear R-parity violating terms induce a neutrino mass at tree level of approximately $(\theta^2)^\delta$ eV where $\theta\approx 0.22$ is the U(1)_H breaking parameter and $\delta$ is an integer number that depends on the horizontal charges of the leptons. For $\delta=1$ a unique self-consistent model arises in which i) all the superpotential trilinear R-parity violating couplings are forbidden by holomorphy; ii) the tree level neutrino mass falls in the range suggested by the atmospheric neutrino problem; iii) radiative contributions to neutrino masses are strongly suppre…