G. Marini

Rilevazione nazionale in tema di formazione specifica di medicina generale in Italia

Physicians have to get a “specific” diploma attending a threeyear training course provided by each regional health service in order to practice as General Practitioners in Italy. In the last years, there has been an ongoing debate about the need to evolve the specific regional courses into integrated specialization training courses, organized and managed by universities with the contribution of regional health services. The Italian Junior Doctors Association and the Giotto Movement carried out a national survey with the aim to identify strengths and weaknesses of the specific regional training courses. Three-hundred-two junior General Practitioners in training (61,2% females) answered to a …

research product

Rejection Power of A Horizontal Rpc Telescope For Left and Right Coming Cosmic Muons

Abstract The possibility of performing neutrino astronomy by means of a detector above the ground depends critically on the feasibility of a rejection power on the order of 10 11 required to discriminate the enormous background of cosmic downward going muons from the signal of upward going muons produced by neutrinos. In order to check whether and how this rejection is obtainable, we have built in the Physics Department of the University of Bari a horizontal cosmic muon telescope (MINI) instrumented with resistive plate counters. By performing time-of-flight measurements, we have estimated the rejection power of our telescope for left and right coming cosmic muons. The rejection dependence …

research product