M. Monni

Fluxon dynamics in Li–Al codoped MgB2 by microwave surface resistance measurements

The magnetic-field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, Rs, have been investigated in ceramic Mg_(1-x)(LiAl)_xB_2, with x in the range 0.1 - 0.4. The measurements have been performed on increasing and decreasing the DC magnetic field, H0, at fixed temperatures. At low temperatures, we have observed a magnetic hysteresis in the Rs(H0) curves in all the investigated samples. On increasing the temperature, the range of H0 in which the hysteretic behavior is visible shrinks; however, in the sample with x=0.1 it is present up to temperatures close to Tc. We show that the field dependence of Rs can be quantitatively justified taking into account the critical-state effects on th…

research product

Fluxon dynamics in Li–Al codoped by microwave surface resistance measurements

Abstract The magnetic-field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, R s , have been investigated in ceramic Mg1−x(LiAl)xB2, with x in the range 0.1 – 0.4 . The measurements have been performed on increasing and decreasing the DC magnetic field, H 0 , at fixed temperatures. At low temperatures, we have observed a magnetic hysteresis in the R s ( H 0 ) curves in all the investigated samples. On increasing the temperature, the range of H 0 in which the hysteretic behavior is visible shrinks; however, in the sample with x = 0.1 it is present up to temperatures close to T c . We show that the field dependence of R s can be quantitatively justified taking into account the critical…

research product