F. Fernández
Quark model description of the \Lambda_c(2940)^+ as a molecular D^*N state and the possible existence of the \Lambda_b(6248)
The \Lambda_c(2940)^+ baryon is studied in a constituent quark model as a molecular state composed by nucleons and D^* mesons. A bound state with the right binding energy is found for the J^\pi=3/2^- channel. The partial widths \Lambda_c(2940)^+\to ND and \Lambda_c(2940)^+\to \Sigma_c \pi are calculated and the results are consistent with the experimental data. Additionally a bottom partner \bar B^*N is predicted with a mass of 6248 MeV/c^2.
Emission patterns of neutral pions in 40A MeV Ta+Au reactions
Differential cross sections of neutral pions emitted in 181Ta+197Au collisions at a beam energy of 39.5A MeV have been measured with the two-arm photon spectrometer (TAPS). The kinetic energy and transverse momentum spectra of neutral pions cannot be properly described in the framework of the thermal model, nor when the reabsorption of pions is accounted for in a phenomenological model. However, high energy and high momentum tails of the pion spectra can be well fitted through thermal distributions with unexpectedly soft temperature parameters below 10 MeV.
Emission patterns of neutral pions in40AMeV Ta+Au reactions
Differential cross sections of neutral pions emitted in {sup 181}Ta+{sup 197}Au collisions at a beam energy of 39.5A MeV have been measured with the two-arm photon spectrometer (TAPS). The kinetic energy and transverse momentum spectra of neutral pions cannot be properly described in the framework of the thermal model, nor when the reabsorption of pions is accounted for in a phenomenological model. However, high energy and high momentum tails of the pion spectra can be well fitted through thermal distributions with unexpectedly soft temperature parameters below 10 MeV.
Nonlocal calculation for nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons
We study the possible existence of nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons by solving the bound-state problem of the two- and three-body systems composed of nucleons and deltas. The two-body systems are $NN$, $N\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta$, while the three-body systems are $NNN$, $NN\Delta$, $N\Delta\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta\Delta$. We use as input the nonlocal $NN$, $N\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta$ potentials derived from the chiral quark cluster model by means of the resonating group method. We compare with previous results obtained from the local version based on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Variability in protein binding of teicoplanin and achievement of therapeutic drug monitoring targets in critically ill patients: Lessons from the DALI Study
The aims of this study were to describe the variability in protein binding of teicoplanin in critically ill patients as well as the number of patients achieving therapeutic target concentrations. This report is part of the multinational pharmacokinetic DALI Study. Patients were sampled on a single day, with blood samples taken both at the midpoint and the end of the dosing interval. Total and unbound teicoplanin concentrations were assayed using validated chromatographic methods. The lower therapeutic range of teicoplanin was defined as total trough concentrations from 10 to 20 mg/L and the higher range as 10-30 mg/L. Thirteen critically ill patients were available for analysis. The followi…
Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales
Resumen basado en el de la revista. Contiene 5 anexos con los cuestionarios y resultados sobre creencias y actitudes de los estudiantes ante la problemática ambiental Se recogen los resultados de la experiencia pedagógica realizada en dos cursos académicos de la carrera de Ingenierìa Química, de una investigación con respecto al medio ambiente, en el que se han tratado temas de la microbiología y la química orgánica. Los resultados muestran la metodología interdisciplinar utilizada para abordar los problemas ambientales, lo que ha permitido modificar positivamente las creencias y las actitudes de los estudiantes participantes. Además se demostró el satisfactorio cumplimiento de los objetivo…