Elvira Gamiz

Strange quark mass from the invariant mass distribution of Cabibbo-suppressed tau decays

8 páginas, 4 figuras, 4 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0105253v1

research product

V-us and m(s) from hadronic tau decays

Recent progress in the determination of |V_us| employing strange hadronic tau-decay data are reported. This includes using the recent OPAL update of the strange spectral function, as well as augmenting the dimension-two perturbative contribution with the recently calculated order alpha_s^3 term on the theory side. These updates result in |V_us| = 0.2220 +- 0.0033, with the uncertainty presently being dominated by experiment, and already being competitive with the standard extraction from K_e3 decays and other new proposals to determine |V_us|. In view of the ongoing work to analyse tau-decay data at the B-factories BaBar and Belle, as well as future results from BESIII, the error on |V_us| …

research product

The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

We are very grateful to the Fermilab Directorate and the Fermilab Theoretical Physics Department for their financial and logistical support of the first workshop of the Muon g -2 Theory Initiative (held near Fermilab in June 2017) [123], which was crucial for its success, and indeed for the successful start of the Initiative. Financial support for this workshop was also provided by the Fermilab Distinguished Scholars program, the Universities Research Association through a URA Visiting Scholar award, the Riken Brookhaven Research Center, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under Grant No. KAKEHNHI-17H02906. We thank Shoji Hashimoto, Toru Iijima, Takashi Kaneko, and Shohei Nis…

research product