Gary M. Burlingame
Italian adaptation of the Group Questionnaire: validity and factorial structure
The Group Questionnaire (GQ) is a measure recently developed by Krogel et al. (2013) for the evaluation of the therapeutic relationship in group. The GQ identifies a three-factor model of the relationship that allows to measure quality (Positive Bonding, Positive Working and Negative Relationship) and structure (member-member, member-leader and member-group), dimensions in group. This work shows the results of a first study on the Italian validation of the GQ. In this study the GQ was administered to 536 subjects from 32 non-clinical groups of undergraduate students. The cross-cultural validity of the GQ in the Italian population has been examined by comparing the psychometric properties an…
Current Issues on Group Psychotherapy Research: An Overview
Recent efforts to improve group psychotherapy have focused on codifying both evidence-based treatments and therapeutic relationships. This chapter reviews the numerous advances in empirical research on group psychotherapy and highlights therapeutic practices ensuing from the evidence. The authors synthesize some of the most crucial development in group psychotherapy research, such as the effectiveness of group treatments, the mechanisms of change of group therapies, the components of group relationship, and issues regarding methodological problems associated with the analysis of group data.