Effect of footwear on intramuscular EMG activity of plantar flexor muscles in walking
One of the purposes of footwear is to assist locomotion, but some footwear types seem to restrict natural foot motion, which may affect the contribution of ankle plantar flexor muscles to propulsion. This study examined the effects of different footwear conditions on the activity of ankle plantar flexors during walking. Ten healthy habitually shod individuals walked overground in shoes, barefoot and in flip-flops while fine-wire electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from flexor hallucis longus (FHL), soleus (SOL), and medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscles. EMG signals were peak-normalised and analysed in the stance phase using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). We f…
Wearable electromyography recordings during daily life activities in children with cerebral palsy.
To test whether wearable textile electromyography (EMG) recording systems may detect differences in muscle activity levels during daily activities between children with cerebral palsy (CP) and age-matched typically developing children.Wearable textile EMG recording systems were used to obtain leg muscle activity in 10 children with spastic CP (four females, six males; mean age 9y 6mo, standard deviation [SD] 2y 4mo, range: 6-13y; Gross Motor Function Classification System [GMFCS] level I and II) and 11 typically developing children (four females, seven males; mean age 9y 9mo, SD 1y 11mo, 7-12y) at rest and while performing seven daily activities.Children with CP showed significantly lower a…