D Giordano
Which are the communication styles of anti-tobacco spots that most impress adolescents?
Abstract Objectives To evaluate emotions and opinions of Italian adolescents aged 13-18 years old about different anti-tobacco spots delivered by the mass media campaigns over the world. Methods A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Italian students from different regions were enrolled. A video that collected 7 anti-tobacco spots from all over the world. The spots describe the tobacco dependence, the health damages and the tobacco components using different communication styles (funny, scientific, dramatic, comedians, shocking, and sad). Information on age, gender, smoking status of family and peers were gathered. Descriptive and univariate analysis of emotional and cognitive r…
Severity of anxious symptoms in nursing students of the University of Palermo
BACKGROUND: The university student is vulnerable to the adverse effects of many stress factors that can lead to an increase in the burden of illness in young people. The objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence of anxious symptoms in the student population of the degree course in nursing at the University of Palermo. METHODS: The study design is observational. In the month of April 2019, a survey was provided to all nursing students of University of Palermo of the three years of course, accompanied by informed consent. The statistical significance level chosen for all analyzes was 0.05. The results were analyzed using the STATA statistical software version 14.XX Results are exp…