Enrico M. Pessina
Coherent effects in the multimode dynamics of inhomogeneously broadened ring lasers
We investigate under which conditions coherent effects manifest in the multimode dynamics of inhomogeneously broadened ring lasers. In particular, we demonstrate that for long enough cavities standard rate equations for class-B lasers fail in describing the multimode dynamics.
Lorenz–Haken instability in a laser with arbitrary mirrors reflectivity
Abstract We study the Lorenz–Haken instability in a laser with arbitrary mirrors reflectivity R . In the limit of slow population difference we demonstrate that in order to observe the instability the reflectivity must exceed the critical value R c ≃0.5379, which coincides with that found recently for the multimode (Risken–Nummedal–Graham–Haken) instability. Several other differences with respect to the uniform field limit R →1 are presented.