On the dynamics of the AB Doradus system
We present an astrometric analysis of the binary systems ABDorA /ABDorC and ABDorBa / ABDorBb. These two systems of well-known late-type stars are gravitationally associated and they constitute the quadruple ABDoradus system. From the astrometric data available at different wavelengths, we report: (i) a determination of the orbit of ABDorC, the very low mass companion to ABDorA, which confirms the mass estimate of 0.090Msun reported in previous works; (ii) a measurement of the parallax of ABDorBa, which unambiguously confirms the long-suspected physical association between this star and ABDorA; and (iii) evidence of orbital motion of ABDorBa around ABDorA, which places an upper bound of 0.4…