Petri Tapio

Lihasvoimaa kaupunkiliikenteeseen : suosituksia kävelyn, pyöräilyn ja muiden aktiivisten ja kestävien kulkutapojen edistämiseksi

research product

Mismatch, Empowerment, Fatigue or Balance? Four scenarios of physical activity up to 2030 in Finland

Sedentary lifestyles and the lack of physical activity (PA) are a major concern among all age groups, and current generations tend to be less fit than the previous ones in the Western World. At the same time, there is an urgent need to cut transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Major gains can be foreseen if current car-centred lifestyles and sedentary behaviour are addressed from an integrated perspective. In this study, we explore future scenarios in the intersections of PA and active lifestyles as well as related environmental and health benefits in Finland. We used a disaggregative Delphi approach to examine the topic. Although frequently used in health-related research, Delp…

research product

Liikkumisvajeen luontopohjaiset ratkaisut ja ongelmat

[Johdanto] Suomalaiset liikkuvat terveytensä kannalta liian vähän, kun liikkumisella tarkoitetaan ihmisten fyysistä aktiivisuutta. Toisaalta suomalaiset liikkuvat liiankin paljon, kun liikkumisella tarkoitetaan moottorivoimin tapahtuvaa siirtymistä paikasta toiseen. Ongelmana on sekä moottoroitujen liikkumisvälineiden runsaasta käytöstä aiheutuva ihmisten fyysinen passiivisuus että ympäristön suuri kuormitus. Esimerkiksi henkilöautojen osuus päivittäin kuljetuista kilometreistä on 76 %, kun kävellen tai polkupyörällä matkoista taittuu noin 4 % (Liikennevirasto 2018). Tässä kirjoituksessa ymmärrämme liikkumisen ihmisten fyysiseksi aktiivisuudeksi ja tarkastelemme liikkumisvajeen luontopohjai…

research product

Building transformative capacity towards active sustainable transport in urban areas – Experiences from local actions in Finland

Recent research has recognised cycling and walking (active transport) as substantial elements contributing to sustainable mobility and public health challenges. There is less knowledge available on the integrated contributions of local-level governance processes and practical implementation of active transport promotion activities. To illustrate comprehensively the contributions of local-level activities, we defined a framework presenting transformative capacity towards active sustainable transport. The framework presents the essential elements and criteria in assessing the level of contributions towards active and sustainable mobility. Previous literature and a case study in six Finnish mu…

research product

Towards sustainable mobility : Transformative scenarios for 2034

Highlights • Increasing the share of walking and cycling is one of the building blocks of sustainable mobility transformation. • We organised an online Delphi survey for 30 walking and cycling experts during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. • Disaggregative Delphi analysis is elaborated based on the systemic restructuring of qualitative data. • Transport experts’ views of the future are described in the form of five walking and cycling scenarios up to 2034. • The results can be used for strategic transport planning and policy, and for identifying instruments for walking and cycling promotion in urban areas. Increasing the share of walking and cycling is one of the building blocks of sus…

research product