R. Dvornický

Detailed studies of $$^{100}$$ 100 Mo two-neutrino double beta decay in NEMO-3

The full data set of the NEMO-3 experiment has been used to measure the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of $$^{100}$$ 100 Mo to the ground state of $$^{100}$$ 100 Ru, $$T_{1/2} = \left[ 6.81 \pm 0.01\,\left( \text{ stat }\right) ^{+0.38}_{-0.40}\,\left( \text{ syst }\right) \right] \times 10^{18}$$ T1/2=6.81±0.01stat-0.40+0.38syst×1018 year. The two-electron energy sum, single electron energy spectra and distribution of the angle between the electrons are presented with an unprecedented statistics of $$5\times 10^5$$ 5×105 events and a signal-to-background ratio of $$\sim $$ ∼ 80. Clear evidence for the Single State Dominance model is found for this nuclear transition. Limit…

research product

Detailed studies of $^{100}$Mo two-neutrino double beta decay in NEMO-3

The full data set of the NEMO-3 experiment has been used to measure the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo to the ground state of $^{100}$Ru, $T_{1/2} = \left[ 6.81 \pm 0.01\,\left(\mbox{stat}\right) ^{+0.38}_{-0.40}\,\left(\mbox{syst}\right) \right] \times10^{18}$ y. The two-electron energy sum, single electron energy spectra and distribution of the angle between the electrons are presented with an unprecedented statistics of $5\times10^5$ events and a signal-to-background ratio of ~80. Clear evidence for the Single State Dominance model is found for this nuclear transition. Limits on Majoron emitting neutrinoless double beta decay modes with spectral indices of …

research product