M Airò

Micropropagation of Metrosideros excelsa

Multiple shoots were induced on stem segments of a 8-year-old plant of Metrosideros excelsa Sol ex Gaertn. ‘Parnel’. Axillary shoots produced on uncontaminated explants were excised, segmented and recultured in the same medium to increase the stock of shoot cultures. The Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, augmented with different concentrations of 2- isopenthenyladenine (2iP) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), either singly or in combinations, as potential medium for shoot multiplication by nodal segments was tested. In the following experiment equal molar concentrations of four cytokinins [2iP, kinetin, zeatin and N6-benzyladenine (BA)] in combination with equal molar concentrations of three au…

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Micropropagation ofAgeratum houstonianumby nodal segments

Ageratum houstonianum is a bedding and flowering potted plant originated from Central America which is generally propagate by seed. In this report a preliminary in vitro technique for propagation of A. houstonianum was investigated. In vitro germinated seeds were used to establish aseptic shoot cultures of several clones. Seedling stem segments bearing 3-4 nodes were placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium plus 20 g L-1 sucrose, 8.0 g L-1 Agar to induce axillary shoot development. Axillary shoots were subcultured into the same medium and nodal segments were sectioned and subcultured to increase the stock of shoot cultures. Shoot cultures of the selected clone AG14 were used to accom…

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Propagazione in vitro e produzione di semi sintetici di Metrosoderos excelsa

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Multiple shoots were induced on nodal segments of a mature plant of Erica multiflora L. Axillary shoots produced on uncontaminated explants were excised, segmented, and recultured on the same medium. The effect of Anderson medium, augmented with different concentrations of 2iP either singly or in combination with NAA, as potential medium for shoot multiplication by nodal segments was investigated. In the following experiment equal molar concentrations of four cytokinins (2iP, kinetin, zeatin, and BA) were studied for ability to induce axillary shoot development from single node stem segments. The highest rate of axillary shoot proliferation was induced on Anderson medium supplemented with 1…

research product

Micropropagation of Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC]

Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC] is a large deciduous shrub or small tree native to the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Being winter hardy and characterized by high plasticity in altitude and ecology, the species is grown in gardens and landscaping, both for flower and for its attractive shape. Genista species are generally propagate by seed or semi hardwood cuttings. In this report an efficient in vitro technique for propagation of G. aetnensis was investigated. Multiple shoots were induced on nodal segments of a mature plant of Genista aetnensis . The Murashige and Skoog medium, augmented with different concentrations of benzyladenine either singly or in combination with indol…

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Multiplication of Crataegus monogyna by in vitro culture of nodal segments

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Synthetic seed production of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (L.)

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Influenza di campi magnetici a bassa frequenza (ELF-MFS) sull'accrescimento in vitro di callo di Salvia officinalis "Maxima"

La presente ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di valutare la risposta di una coltura cellulare di Salvia officinalis sottoposta ad un flusso magnetico della densità di 50 milliTesla per la durata di 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, o 5 minuti. Il callo è stato allevato su substrato agarizzato di Murashige e Skoog addizionato con 0,5 mg L-1 2,4-D e 0,5 mg L-1 chinetina. Dopo il trattamento le colture sono state poste in camera di crescita ad una temperatura di 24˚C ed in presenza di 16 ore di luce. Il tasso di crescita relativo, parametro indicativo del ritmo di accrescimento della coltura di cellule indifferenziate, è risultato crescente all’aumentare del periodo di esposizione al campo magnetico, raggiungendo dopo …

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Produzione di semi sintetici di Capparis spinosa (L.). Innovazione e tradizione

The caper bush (Capparis spinosa L.) is a rupiculous species. It is widespread on rocky areas and it grows on different soil associations. Caper can be propagated from fresh seeds, gathered from ripe fruit, or by stem cuttings both methods with unsatisfying results, due to the low germination percentage and to the season-dependent answer of the cutting technique. The aim of the present research has been to evaluate the attitude, for caper in vitro propagules , to be encapsulated. Micro cuttings from in vitro plantlets, were dissected and put on two different Murashige and Skoog liquid media enriched with 4% sodium alginate and 1,4% di CaCl2 separately, for the encapsulation. The synthetic s…

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