F Dispenza
Sarcoma di Kaposi laringeo del ventricolo di Morgagni: caso clinico
Criteri di selezione dei pazienti affetti da OSAS da sottoporre a palatofaringoplastica
Uvulopalatofaringoplastica associata a tonsillectomia nel trattamento dell'OSAS severa
Pattern dinamico delle VAS nei grandi obesi mediante manovra di Muller
Glut-3 expression in laringeal carcinoma: is really a prognostic indicator?
Il trattamento della sordità improvvisa mediante cortisonico intratimpanico
Management of labyrinthine fistula in chronic otitis with cholesteatoma: case series.
Labyrinthine fistula is a complication of ear cholesteatoma that increase the risk of sensorineural hearing loss. The management of the fistula must be done contextually with mastoidectomy by: leaving cholesteatoma matrix over the fistula, or remove the matrix reconstructing the defect. Objective: analysis of the two techniques to treat labyrinthine fistula. Methods: retrospective review with case series analysis. Results: a labyrinthine fistula was present in 14% of cholesteatoma patients; CT scan was pre-dictive in all cases; the hearing preservation was obtained with both techniques; a re-currence was detected only in one case; postoperative nystagmus incidence was higher in those cases …