Two immortalized rat astrocyte cell lines as in vitro model for specific cell proliferation studies: cytogenetic and epigenomic characterization and diversification
Here we report differences between: 1) a heterogeneous population of primary rat brain astrocytes (Primary), in culture since several years ago, and 2) a cloned cell line (Clone), obtained from the Primary cells. Both populations maintain astrocyte morphology but, according to cytogenetic and epigenomic characterization, differ for the chromosomal asset from rat normal cells (42 chromosomes): Primary cells show mostly a bimodal karyotype with 41 or 43 chromosomes, and Clone has a unique-modal karyotype of 43 chromosomes. Interestingly, we also found that both cell lines show genome-wide DNA hypomethylation, with Clone showing even more pronounced demethylation respect to Primary cells. Thes…