Juan Antonio Morales Lladosa
Spherical symmetric parabolic dust collapse: C¹ matching metric with zero intrinsic energy
The collapse of marginally bound, inhomogeneous, pressureless (dust) matter, in spherical symmetry, is considered. The starting point is not, in this case, the integration of the Einstein equations from some suitable initial conditions. Instead, starting from the corresponding general exact solution of these equations, depending on two arbitrary functions of the radial coordinate, the fulfillment of the Lichnerowicz matching conditions of the interior collapsing metric and the exterior Schwarzschild one is tentatively assumed (the continuity of the metric and its first derivatives on the time-like hypersurface describing the evolution of the spherical 2-surface boundary of the collapsing cl…
Tensores simétricos y referenciales lorentzianos
Coordinates and frames from the causal point of view
Lorentzian frames may belong to one of the 199 causal classes. Of these numerous causal classes, people are essentially aware only of two of them. Nevertheless, other causal classes are present in some well-known solutions, or present a strong interest in the physical construction of coordinate systems. Here we show the unusual causal classes to which belong so familiar coordinate systems as those of Lema{\^{\i}}tre, those of Eddington-Finkelstein, or those of Bondi-Sachs. Also the causal classes associated to the Coll light coordinates (four congruences of real geodetic null lines) and to the Coll positioning systems (light signals broadcasted by four clocks) are analyzed. The role that th…
Sur les repères symmetriques lorentziens
Résumé.- Définition et propriétés des repères symétriques. Charactérisation des variétés admettant des repères symètriques naturels. Abstract.- Definition and properties of the symmetric frames. Characterization of the manifolds admitting holonomic symmetric frames.