Gnotobiotische untersuchungen an SPF-Mäusen im rahmen einer studie zur tumorentwicklung im kolon nach cholezystektomie
Summary The relation between cholecystectomy and colon carcinogenesis has not been fully elucidated. As bacteria may be involved in the carcinogenic process, we investigated the effect of cholecystectomy and dimethylhydrazine (DMH) administration to SPF NMRI mice with regard to tumour genesis and bacterial colonisation of the intestine. It results from this study that cholecystectomy does not influence tumour genesis and that 6–7 months post operationem and DMH administration tumours and bacteria originally not found in the animals develop: Clostridia, eubacteria spec, which cannot be differentiated and E. lentum. Theses changes appear in group II of mice (laparotomy and DMH) and group III …