Anca ŞIpoş
Batch fermentation process: Modelling and direct sensitivity analysis
Based on a nonlinear model, this article realizes an investigation of dynamic behaviour of a batch fermentation process using direct sensitivity analysis (DSA). The used nonlinear mathematical model has a good qualitative and quantitative description of the alcoholic fermentation process. This model has been discussed and validated by authors in other studies. The DSA of dynamic model was used to calculate the matrix of the sensitivity functions in order to determine the influence of the small deviations of initial state, control inputs, and parameters from the ideal nominal values on the state trajectory and system output in time. Process optimization and advanced control strategies can be…
Simulation-Based Learning, an Essential Tool for Control Process in Food Engineering Education
Abstract Simulation-based learning has become an essential tool for food engineers in education and industry. The students from food engineering higher education usually have difficulties to understand abstract concepts of the process control, to make links among microbiology, biochemistry and automation of the technological process from food industry. The present paper describes a methodology for teaching the process control by developing a control level process using simulation-based learning. The used of this metode highlighted that the students developed competence toward “thinking like a scientist”, developed argumentation and critical decision-making skills and reinforced research-pla…