True and Apparent Oxygen Permeabilities of Contact Lenses
We studied the passage of oxygen through some commercially available contact lenses. Oxygen diffusion coefficients were determined by the time-lag method and a 201T Redher permeometer was used to measure the oxygen permeability and transmissibility by the polarographic method. The measurements were carried out at room temperature with 0.09% sodium chloride physiologic solution. The following types of lenses were tested: (1) 12 lenses of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) of a mean thickness of 0.194 mm (observed Dk approximately 6.3 barrers) (1 barrier is equivalent to 10(-11) cm3 of O2 (STP).cm2/ Hg). (2) 13 lenses of a cross-linked polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-HEMA), manufacture…