C Pasquarella

Linee guida per il controllo delle infezioni in odontoiatria

research product

Rischio biologico nei laboratori di microbiologia: epidemiologia e prevenzione

research product

Building a benchmark through active surveillance of intensive care unit-acquired infections: the Italian network SPIN-UTI.

The Italian Nosocomial Infections Surveillance in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) (SPIN-UTI) project of the Italian Study Group of Hospital Hygiene (GISIO - SItI) was undertaken to ensure standardisation of definitions, data collection and reporting procedures using the Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance (HELICS)-ICU benchmark. Before starting surveillance, participant ICUs met in order to involve the key stakeholders in the project through participation in planning. Four electronic data forms for web-based data collection were designed. The six-month patient-based prospective survey was undertaken from November 2006 to May 2007, preceded by a one-month surveilla…

research product

Factors influencing hospital infection control policies in Italian hospitals

A study was undertaken to determine the resources available in Italian hospitals for the control of nosocomial infections and the factors favouring a successful approach. During January-May 2000 a questionnaire about infection control was sent to the hospital health director of all Italian National Health System hospitals treating acute patients and with more than 3500 admissions in 1999. An active programme was defined as a hospital infection control committee (HICC) meeting at least four times in 1999, the presence of a doctor with infection control responsibilities, a nurse employed in infection control and at least one surveillance activity and one infection control guideline issued or …

research product

Essential strategies in HAI prevention and control: performance assessment through the implementation of the HAI-CoSIP tool of the GISIO-SItI group. A pilot study in a sample of Italian Organizations

Healthcare-Associated Infections are a great concern for worldwide healthcare systems and represent a considerable threat to patient safety, leading to adverse clinical outcomes. A defined panel of indicators represents a key element to guide Healthcare Organizations towards identification of main gaps, implementation of effective actions and continuous improvements on Healthcare-Associated Infections prevention and control activities. A review on accreditation systems conducted by the Italian Study Group of Hospital Hygiene of the Italian Society of Hygiene Preventive Medicine and Public Health revealed a substantial heterogeneity of implemented standards and led to the development of a co…

research product

Linee guida per ambienti acquatici salubri ad uso ricreativo: piscine ed ambienti acquatici simili (traduzione di: Gudelines for safe recreational water environments. Swimming pools and similar environments, OMS 2006)

research product

Trends, risk factors and outcomes of health care associated infections within the Italian network SPIN-UTI

Summary Background Implementing infection control measures in light of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance data can prevent HAIs. Surveillance has been associated with a reduction of HAI in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, though the reasons for this improvement remain unclear. Aim To evaluate changes in healthcare-associated infection (HAI) rates during three surveys of the Italian Nosocomial Infections Surveillance in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) network (SPIN-UTI) six-year project and to explore sources of variation of indicators of HAI in the 65 participating ICUs. Methods The SPIN-UTI network adopted the European protocols for patient-based HAI surveillance. Cumulative…

research product

Risk of surgical site infections following hip and knee arthroplasty: Results of the ischia-gisio study

Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is one of the major complications following insertion of hip or knee prosthesis. The aim of the present study was to describe rates of SSIs and associated risk factors during hip and knee prosthesis procedures in Italian hospitals. METHODS: Italian hospitals were invited to join the ISChIA (Surgical Site Infections in Arthroplasty Surgery) project and participated in the study on a voluntary basis. SSI surveillance was performed according to the Hospitals in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance (HELICS) -SSI protocol. The study population consisted of all patients who had a prosthetic knee or hip joint replacement between March 2010 and Februa…

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