Giovanni Pareschi


Characterization of thin plastic foils for applications in X-ray optics technology

Thin plastic foils are being investigated to build shell optics for X-ray telescopes. Compared to polished glass optics, the advantage is in terms of increased collecting area, light weight and lower cost. Plastic material is also desirable to allow deformation into a complete surface of revolution. We collected plastic materials of common use for industrial applications and also specialty materials developed for the electronic industry. A comparative study was then performed to evaluate the optical quality of the selected plastic films. Surface analysis was carried out with topographic instruments to investigate the microroughness of our samples at different scan lengths. Preliminary resul…

research product

The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission—eXTP

In this paper we present the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission - eXTP. eXTP is a space science mission designed to study fundamental physics under extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. The mission aims at determining the equation of state of matter at supra-nuclear density, measuring effects of QED, and understanding the dynamics of matter in strong-field gravity. In addition to investigating fundamental physics, eXTP will be a very powerful observatory for astrophysics that will provide observations of unprecedented quality on a variety of galactic and extragalactic objects. In particular, its wide field monitoring capabilities will be highly instrumental to det…

research product