Anne Vesterinen
Modelling in evaluating a working life project in higher education
Abstract This article describes an evaluation method based on collaboration between the higher education, a care home and university, in a RD (2) comprehensive data collection methods are needed; (3) shared tools can be developed in interactive forums in ongoing evaluation, and (4) modelling makes professional expertise visible and brakes boundaries between different professions.
Towards practical reflexivity in online discussion groups
This paper continues the discussion about student-driven, interactive learning activities in higher education. Using object-oriented activity theory, the article explores the relational aspects of reflexive practice as demonstrated in five online discussions groups to develop students’ conceptual understanding. The purpose of the research is to describe both the process of reflection during online interaction and how practical engagement with the discipline is supported through pedagogical guidance. The students wrote short texts on the practice of health promotion ethics and discussed their perspectives in relation to theory and research. The analysis proved the importance of structural de…