Andreas Fessler
Neutron fluence spectrometry using disk activation
Abstract A simple and robust detector for spectrometry of environmental neutrons has been developed. The technique is based on neutron activation of a series of different metal disks followed by low-level gamma-ray spectrometry of the activated disks and subsequent neutron spectrum unfolding. The technique is similar to foil activation but here the applied neutron fluence rates are much lower than usually in the case of foil activation. The detector has been tested in quasi mono-energetic neutron fields with fluence rates in the order of 1000–10000 cm −2 s −1 , where the obtained spectra showed good agreement with spectra measured using a Bonner sphere spectrometer. The detector has also b…
Validation of a method for neutron dosimetry and spectrometry using neutron activation of metal discs
A technique for neutron dosimetry and spectrometry based on neutron activation of different metal discs has been studied. After exposure to a neutron field, the radionuclides produced in the discs are detected using low-level gamma-ray spectrometry and the neutron spectrum is obtained using a spectrum unfolding technique. In order to validate the method, irradiation was performed in a well-characterised (252)Cf neutron reference field. Furthermore, the detector was used to determine the neutron fluence rate and spectrum at a storage place for MOX nuclear fuel. The results of the two measurements are reported and discussed.