Mariachiara Velardo
Relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, intracerebral hemorrhage, and its location
INTRODUCTION: Although some authors evaluated the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MeDi) and both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke alone is not yet examined. AIMS: We conducted a retrospective study to evaluate the relationship between adherence to MeDi and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and different locations of ICH (ganglionic/internal capsule, brainstem/cerebellum, or lobar). METHODS: We analyzed charts and collected data of all consecutive patients with ICH admitted to our Internal Medicine Ward from 2005 to 2014. A scale indicating the degree of adherence to the traditional MeDi Score was constructed. RESULTS: When compared with 100 subjects…
“The importance of being external”: review of the literature of the rare phenomenon of common carotid occlusion with bulb reverse-crossed stenosis and external collaterals activation. Is still correct speaking about carotid steal?
Common carotid artery occlusion (CCAO) is a rare phenomenon associated with the development of neurological symptoms. In CCAO, diversion of blood flow from the external carotid artery (ECA) to the internal carotid artery (ICA) via the carotid bulb (CB) may occur. This pathway activation has been called "carotid steal". Starting from a particular case we describe the ECD finding of a complete occlusion of CCA with patency of ICA and ECA. In case of occlusion of CCA, inversion of the ECA flow may occur, towards the ICA, and it can be damped by a significant stenosis crossed in retrograde direction that may concur to maintain the pressure balance between the two circulations. Usually, this par…
Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Congestive Heart Failure: Relationship With Clinical Severity and Ischemic Pathogenesis
Abstract Objectives To our knowledge, no study has addressed the relationship between adherence to a Mediterranean diet style and severity of heart failure. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet assessed using the calculation of Mediterranean diet score and congestive heart failure (CHF), its severity, and pathogenesis. Methods We analyzed charts and collected data of all consecutive patients with a diagnosis of CHF at admission to our Internal Medicine Ward from 2008 to 2014. Results We analyzed 209 patients with CHF and 200 controls. Patients with CHF showed a significantly lower mean MeDi score than controls. At r…