Anna Agusti-panareda
The impact of a mesoscale convective system cold pool on the northward propagation of the intertropical discontinuity over West Africa
The interaction between a mesoscale convection system cold pool and the intertropical discontinuity (ITD) is investigated on two consecutive days (5 and 6 June 2006), in the framework of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Special Observing Period (SOP 1a). Satellite imagery and surface meteorological observations are used to track the movement of the ITD prior to and after its interaction with the cold pool. The impact of the northward propagating cold pool on the Sahelo-Saharan planetary boundary layer (PBL) thermodynamics and aerosol vertical distribution is analyzed by means of airborne and ground-based measurements over the two-day period. Complementary European Centre for M…
ERA5-Land: A state-of-the-art global reanalysis dataset for land applications
Framed within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) of the European Commission, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is producing an enhanced global dataset for the land component of the fifth generation of European ReAnalysis (ERA5), hereafter referred to as ERA5-Land. Once completed, the period covered will span from 1950 to the present, with continuous updates to support land monitoring applications. ERA5-Land describes the evolution of the water and energy cycles over land in a consistent manner over the production period, which, among others, could be used to analyse trends and anomalies. This is achieved through global high-resolution numerical integrat…