The Implications Of The Foot Health Status In Parkinson Patients : A Case-Control Study
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects bothhealth of the feet, as to gait patterns. This study aimed to find out about footproblems and their impact on self-perceived quality of life and related to foothealth in Parkinson's patients compared to a group of healthy subjects and tomeasure it with Spanish Podiatry Health Questionnaire (PHQ-S). It is about acase–control study in a sample of Parkinson's patients n=62, healthy controlsn=62. The PHQ-S was reported, it describes perception the subject has ineach of podiatric 6 dimensions consulted, assessing appreciation of health sta-tus of interviewee's feet and a self-rated the foot health score on the visual ana-lo…