Katarzyna Szwamel
Experiences of family physicians after a CME ultrasound course
Background. Ultrasonography is an inexpensive, safe, noninvasive tool for obtaining diagnoses without performing further imaging tests, and for the timely referral of patients to further diagnosis or specialist care. Objectives . To determine which ultrasound tests are most often performed by family physicians, and what factors contribute to their use of ultrasound imaging. Material and methods . This survey-based study using the authors’ questionnaire was conducted in March 2016 among 81 primary care physicians who had completed weekend courses on ultrasound abdominal cavity imaging. Results . Family physicians most often took ultrasounds of the abdominal cavity (35/50; 70%) and thyroid gl…
Analysis of the Impact of Disease Acceptance, Demographic, and Clinical Variables on Adherence to Treatment Recommendations in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
This project aimed to analyze the impact of disease acceptance and selected demographic and clinical factors on the adherence to treatment recommendations in elderly type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The observational study was performed using standardized research questionnaires: the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS), the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory (SCODI), and the Adherence in Chronic Diseases Scale (ACDS). Two hundred patients with T2DM were studied (age M = 70.21 years, SD = 6.63 years). The median degree of disease acceptance was 29 (min–max = 8–40) and the median level of adherence was 24 (min–max = 13–28). Disease acceptance was a significant (p = 0.002) independent predictor o…
MOESM3 of Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
Additional file 3: Table S1. Table that describes the members of the FOCUS Guideline Panel and their role in the development of the guidelines.
Frailty syndrome in community care – tips for patients and caregivers
Zespół słabości (ZS) jest dynamicznym stanem charakteryzującym się zmniejszeniem fizjologicznych rezerw organizmu, osłabieniem odporności na czynniki stresogenne oraz zaburzeniami funkcjonowania układów ciała. W ZS dochodzi do zmniejszenia masy ciała i siły mięśniowej, problemów z poruszaniem się, utrzymaniem równowagi oraz do zmniejszenia aktywności fizycznej. Wyróżniamy trzy stadia zespołu słabości: wczesny ZS (pre- -frail), zespół słabości (frail) oraz powikłania zespołu słabości. Głównym czynnikiem ryzyka wystąpienia ZS jest wiek podeszły, ale znaczenie mają również czynniki genetyczne, środowiskowe, styl życia oraz choroby współistniejące. Do rozpoznania ZS stosuje się m.in. skalę Frie…
Weekend courses on ultrasonography as a form of teaching knowledge and the skills necessary to perform ultrasounds in the family physician’s practice
Background. Growth in ultrasound use by non-radiologists has outpaced radiologist-performed ultrasound in the last decade. Poland has a well-organized system of teaching ultrasonography. Objectives. To establish whether family physicians, after completion of weekend courses on ultrasound abdominal cavity imaging, recommend this form of training. To identify main reasons for family physician to attend training in USG, their preferences regarding the form of such courses and the difficulties most often faced by family physicians when performing a USG. Material and methods. This survey-based study using the authors’ own questionnaire was conducted in March 2016 among 81 primary care physicians…
Intensity of the phenomenon of refusal to subject children to preventive vaccinations in the years 2002-2016 based on analysis of primary health care medical records
Background. Vaccinations are the most effective method for preventing infectious diseases. Massive implementation of long-term vaccinations strategies has resulted in elimination or a reduced incidence of many infectious diseases. Aim of the study. To evaluate the intensity of the phenomenon of refusal to subject children to preventive vaccinations by attempting to characterize the parental group who refuse to vaccinate their children, determining the type and number of unrealized vaccinations, and identifying the reasons for being unvaccinated. Material and methods. The research material was medical records from the Non-Public Heath Care Unit in Opole. It concerned implementation of the Pr…
Opolskie voivodeship secondary school students’ knowledge about fetal alcohol syndrome and its determinants
Background: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy may result in a wide range of morphological and neurodevelopmental abnormalities, most notably fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Objectives: To evaluate: (1) Opolskie Voivodeship high school students’ level of knowledge on the subject of FAS (2) the factors contributing to this level of knowledge (3) sources of information about FAS which are accessible and preferred by secondary school students. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in 2018 among 228 adult students of Opole secondary schools. The authors used a diagnostic survey based on original questions they developed for the study. The students’ knowledge was assessed using a four-l…
Assessment of Physical Fitness and Risk Factors for the Occurrence of the Frailty Syndrome among Social Welfare Homes’ Residents over 60 Years of Age in Poland
The study aimed at assessing physical fitness and occurrence of the frailty syndrome among social welfare homes’ residents as well as defining factors which determine the level of frailty and its occurrence. The examination included 198 residents (115 females and 83 males of average age 75.5 ± 10.21) and was carried out with the use of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) test with the following cut-off points: 0–6—frail, 7–9—pre-frail, 10–12—non-frail. The research additionally collected data regarding age, gender, number of chronic diseases, education level, type of prior work and current physical activity. In addition, the height …
Antineoplastic agents and the use of personal protective equipment: nursing staff awareness
Introduction. Along with an increasing number of cancer patients, the need for cytostatic drugs is also increasing. Nursing staff are the largest professional group exposed to the potential dangers of these substances. Aim of the study. Assess the awareness of nursing staff who have direct contact with cytostatic drugs in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Material and methods. The research group consisted of 101 nurses routinely exposed to cytostatic drugs. A diagnostic survey and questionnaire technique were used along with the author’s original questionnaire. Results. Of the respondents, 58.42% (n=59) never used protective shoes while dealing with cytostatics, while 53.4% (n…
Assessment of the health care system functioning in Poland in light of the analysis of the indicators of the hospital emergency department (ED) and primary health care (PHC) – proposals for systemic solutions
Background In the last three decades, in developed countries, the number of patients reporting to hospital emergency departments has dramatically increased. The number of visits to EDs can be an important indicator of the quality of primary health care. Objectives To analyse: 1) the frequency of admissions to EDs, 2) the type and number of medical procedures performed in EDs, and 3) the type and number of services provided by PHC in the Kedzierzyn-Kozle district. Material and methods A retrospective analysis of the statistical data regarding services provided by PHC in the Kedzierzyn-Kozle district within the National Health Fund (NHF) and data from the hospital emergency department in Kedz…
Psycho-social working conditions of nursing, medical and paramedic staff in a hospital emergency department
Background: A hospital Emergency Department (ED) is a working place in which numerous working conditions evoke various organisational and operational stressors affecting medical staff working there. Aim of the study: Analysing the psycho-social working environment in nursing, paramedic and medical staff in a specific hospital ED and, in particular, examining 1) work requirements, 2) levels of control, 3) psycho-physical wellbeing and 4) changes expected by the staff. Material and methods: The research was conducted among 69 employees of ED (nursing, paramedic and medical staff) in the University Clinical Hospital in Opole. A standardized Psychosocial Working Conditions Questionnaire (PWCQ) …
Unmet needs in emergency department patients as an important aspect of the increasing number of hospitalizations
Background. Unmet needs in the medical care of high-need patients may increase costs due to the use of emergency departments (EDs) instead of primary care. Objectives. To establish the possible correlation between the unmet needs of patients and the number of hospitalizations, and the probability of influence of the former aspect on the latter, and to analyze the level of satisfied needs of ED patients in relation to sociodemographic data. Material and methods. An original questionnaire and a modified version of the Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Schedule (CANSAS) were used to assess the level of satisfaction of the social, medical, psychological and environmental needs of 15…
MOESM4 of Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
Additional file 4. Example of the output of the voting process using the Evidence to Decision template, as received and processed by the guidelines technical team.
Paramedics’ knowledge of medical guidelines and procedures for protection against coronavirus during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot study
Background: Paramedics are the frontline workers of the healthcare profession. Thus, they need to be equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills, and protective gear against different forms of infection, including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Aim of the study: To determine the level of paramedics’ knowledge about implementing medical guidelines and procedures to avoid coronavirus infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: This study involved 101 paramedics employed in Emergency Medical Services in Legnica between November 2020 and January 2021. A diagnostic survey method and opinion polling technique were applied. A survey developed by the study authors was used.…
Stress management strategies and quality of life in undergraduate nursing and midwifery students in Poland: A pilot study
Abstract Aim To establish the level of the quality of life (QOL) and its determinants in nursing and midwifery students, evaluate stress management strategies and find the correlation between the frequency of specific strategies and the QOL. Design Diagnostic survey. Methods The study was conducted in June 2019. Two hundred thirty‐four undergraduate students were examined with the use of Mini‐Cope Inventory of Stress Management Measurement (Mini‐Cope) and World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Brief Form. Results The average QOL of the respondents was found as good (4.06 ± 0.73). The students graded their QOL in the social relationship domain the highest (15.98 ± 2.97) and the…
Indicators of an Integrated Home Care Model Shaped by the Needs of Patients Discharged from the Emergency Department
Introduction: Developing community care models aims to satisfy the needs of patients’ in-home care comprehensively. This is crucial to decrease adverse events and prevent rehospitalization. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 emergency department patients (EDPs) and 200 general practice patients (GPPs). The modified version of the Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Schedule (CANSAS), the Health Behavior Inventory (HBI), the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), and the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLCS) were used. Results: The study indicated the higher level of unmet needs in EDPs than in th…
Factors affecting the level of professional development among nursing staff after the introduction of an electronic education monitoring system
Background: Constant improvement of the level of education, occupational independence, and the undertaking of scientific activity, including research and publications, contribute fundamentally to the development of the nursing profession. Ministerial directives for nurses to acquire and increase qualifications gave rise to the emergence of a new job profile in which self-discipline in the scope of scientific activity and personal development is essential. Aim of the study: The study aimed to assess the factors affecting the level of professional development among nurses after the introduction of the electronic education monitoring system (SMK), including variables hindering the process of i…
Socio-clinical variables affecting the level of self-care in elderly patients with heart failure
Background: Promoting self-care is the cornerstone of heart failure management. The number of hospitalizations and unscheduled visits could be reduced in elderly patients with heart failure by the patients’ active involvement in self-care. Aims: The aim of this study was to measure the level of self-care in elderly patients with heart failure, to examine the influence of socio-clinical variables on the level of self-care, and identify the socio-clinical variables that are predictors of self-care. Methods: The study included 100 heart failure patients (48 female, 52 male) aged between 60 and 88 years, treated at the Oleśno Health Care Center (Poland). The European Heart Failure Self-care Beh…
MOESM1 of Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
Additional file 1. Synthesis of quantitative evidence from the FOCUS systematic review [9], showing the effect of the interventions on frailty as an outcome, adapted from the typical GRADE Summary of Findings table structure, as offered to the guideline panellists.
Patient-centred access to health care: a framework analysis of the care interface for frail older adults
Abstract Background The objective of this study was to explore the issues surrounding access to health and social care services for frail older adults with Polish stakeholders, including healthy and frail/pre-frail older adults, health care providers, social care providers, and caregivers, in order to determine their views and perspectives on the current system and to present suggestions for the future development of a more accessible and person-centred health and social care system. Methods Focus groups were used to gather qualitative data from stakeholders. Data were analysed using framework analysis according to five dimensions of accessibility to care: approachability, acceptability, av…
A qualitative study examining everyday frailty management strategies adopted by Polish stakeholders
Abstract Background: Frailty is a multidimensional clinical state that is common in older age and can be managed through intervention. Strategies to manage frailty have not been previously explored with stakeholders in Poland. This may stem from misperceptions about the nature and malleability of frailty, which has resulted in it being viewed as a lower priority healthcare concern. Objectives: To explore stakeholders’ views to determine whether there are effective everyday strategies that they can adopt to reduce, reverse or prevent frailty. Methods: Semi-structured focus groups were conducted with five stakeholder groups (frail/pre-frail and robust older adults, health and social care prof…
The pros and cons of the implementation of a chronic care model in European rural primary care: the points of view of European rural general practitioners
Introduction: This article describes the views of European rural general practitioners regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the implementation of a chronic care model (CCM) in European rural primary care. Methods: This was a mixed-methods online survey. Data were collected from 227 general practitioners between May and December 2017. Categorical data were analysed using descriptive methods while free-text responses were analysed using qualitative methods. The setting was rural primary care in nine European countries (including Central and Eastern Europe). Main outcomes measures were respondents' evaluations of a chronic care model in their rural heal…
College students’ attitudes towards prohealth behavior and alcohol consumption during pregnancy planning and pregnancy
Background: Alcohol is one of the most commonly used psychoactive substances among students. Aim of the study: This study aimed to examine the level of pro-health behaviors among college students, and their opinions on alcohol consumption during pregnancy planning and pregnancy. Material and methods: This study was conducted in 2018 among 228 adult students in Opole secondary schools. Diagnostic surveys were used, which included the Health Behavior Inventory (HBI) and a questionnaire developed by the authors. Results: Forty-six percent (n = 105) of the 228 students presented with very low levels of pro-health behaviors and 57.46% (n = 131) of students endorsed alcohol intoxication or abuse …
The use of technology in the context of frailty screening and management interventions: a study of stakeholders’ perspectives
Abstract Background Health and social care interventions show promise as a way of managing the progression of frailty in older adults. Information technology could improve the availability of interventions and services for older adults. The views of stakeholders on the acceptability of technological solutions for frailty screening and management have not been explored. Methods Focus groups were used to gather data from healthy and frail/pre-frail older adults, health and social care providers, and caregivers in three European countries – Italy, Poland and UK. Data were analysed using framework analysis in terms of facilitators or determinants of older adults’ adoption of technology. Results…
Predictors of the Occupational Burnout of Healthcare Workers in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study.
The study aims at analysing the occupational burnout phenomenon, the level of anxiety and depression, as well as the quality of life (QOL) of healthcare workers (HCW) during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were 497 healthcare workers examined across Poland. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Short Form (WHOQOL BREF) were used. A total of 71.63% (356) of the respondents presented high and moderate levels of emotional exhaustion during the pandemic, 71.43% (355) reported low and moderate job satisfaction levels, whereas 40.85% (203) displayed high and moderate levels of depersonalization. A group …
Somatic symptoms and level of anxiety and depression in self-referral patients at the emergency department
Background. Due to multiple morbidities, patients experience various symptoms that may be of psychogenic or somatic origin. Anxiety and depression can induce somatization and the feeling that ailments require urgent medical intervention. Aim of the study. This study aimed to: (1) identify which symptoms self-referral patients most commonly report at the emergency department (ED) and which medical diagnoses they are discharged with; and (2) determine whether the type and severity of symptoms, as well as, sociodemographic variables are related to anxiety and depression levels. Material and methods. The study included 110 patients who self-referred to the ED at the University Clinical Hospital…
MOESM5 of Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
Additional file 5. Detailed justification for the judgement upon each Evidence to Decision criterion, for each guideline.
Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
AbstractBackgroundAge-related frailty is a multidimensional dynamic condition associated with adverse patient outcomes and high costs for health systems. Several interventions have been proposed to tackle frailty. This correspondence article describes the journey through the development of evidence- and consensus-based guidelines on interventions aimed at preventing, delaying or reversing frailty in the context of the FOCUS (Frailty Management Optimisation through EIP-AHA Commitments and Utilisation of Stakeholders Input) project (664367-FOCUS-HP-PJ-2014). The rationale, framework, processes and content of the guidelines are described.Main textThe guidelines were framed into four questions …
MOESM2 of Interventions to prevent, delay or reverse frailty in older people: a journey towards clinical guidelines
Additional file 2. Narrative synthesis of the effect of interventions on secondary outcomes, as offered to the guideline panellists.
Adherence to Medication in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Living in Lubuskie Voivodeship in Poland: Association with Frailty Syndrome
Purpose: Diabetic patients aged 65 years or older are more likely to be frail than non-diabetic older adults. Adherence to therapeutic recommendations in the elderly suffering from diabetes and co-existent frailty syndrome may prevent complications such as micro- or macroangiopathy, as well as significantly affect prevention and reversibility of frailty. The study aimed at assessing the impact of frailty syndrome (FS) on the level of adherence to medication in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2). Patients and Methods: The research was carried out among 175 DM2 patients (87; 49.71% women and 88; 50.29% men) whose average age amounted to 70.25 ± 6.7. Standardized research instr…