V. Pankratov
Time-Resolved Luminescence of Nanocrystalline Inorganic Complex Oxides
Two types of complex nanosized oxides – cerium doped Y3Al5O12 (YAG) and CaWO4– have been studied by means of time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy. Comparative study of time-resolve luminescence characteristics of cerium doped YAG single crystal, nanopowders and nanoceramic as well as for CaWO4 macro- and nanocrystals has been done. Two components in the decay kinetic of Ce3+ related emission in YAG nanocrystals were detected and it was suggested that a different energy transfer rate to volume and surface Ce3+ ions takes place. It is shown that the segregation of Ce3+ ions near nanoparticles surface and/or dislocation lines plays a crucial role in degradation of light yield of cerium rela…
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The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the Research Project No. 19-08-00655. V.P. acknowledges the State Research Program ‘Aug-stas enerģijas fizika un paātrinātāju tehnoloģijas’ (Projekta Nr. VPP-IZM-CERN-2020/1-0002). The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, Project CAMART2.
Luminescence Center Excited State Absorption in Calcium and Zinc Tungsates
The tungstate crystals are well known scintillators. The mechanism of luminescence center formation and the luminescence center model are under discussion today. The results of time-resolved spectroscopy of luminescence center in ZnWO4 and CaWO4 in wide temperature regions was presented. The luminescence and induced absorption under pulsed electron beam excitation (pulse duration 10 ns, 0.26 MeV) were studied. The experimental equipment used allows one to obtain the transient absorption spectra, luminescence decay kinetics and transient absorption relaxation times.