Marianne Haapea
Association between radiography-based subchondral bone structure and MRI-based cartilage composition in postmenopausal women with mild osteoarthritis
Summary Objective Our aim was to investigate the relation between radiograph-based subchondral bone structure and cartilage composition assessed with delayed gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T 2 relaxation time. Design Ninety-three postmenopausal women (Kellgren–Lawrence grade 0: n = 13, 1: n = 26, 2: n = 54) were included. Radiograph-based bone structure was assessed using entropy of the Laplacian-based image ( E Lap ) and local binary patterns ( E LBP ), homogeneity indices of the local angles (HI Angles,mean , HI Angles,Perp , HI Angles,Paral ), and horizontal (FD Hor ) and vertical fractal dimensions (FD Ver ). Mean dGEMRIC index and T 2 relax…
Translation and validation of the Finnish version of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)
Abstract Background and aim Low back pain (LBP) is a debilitating problem worldwide causing disability and reducing quality of life. The Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) was developed on the basis of the assumption that fear-avoidance beliefs play a major role in LBP-related disability. It comprises 16 items scored by the patient and includes sub-scores for fear-avoidance beliefs regarding work and physical activity. This study aimed to translate and validate the Finnish version of the FABQ and to measure its properties among Finnish patients with LBP. Material and methods A forward-backward translation procedure was used based on modified recommended guidelines. The FABQ was app…
Verbal learning and memory and their associations with brain morphology and illness course in schizophrenia spectrum psychoses.
The California Verbal Learning Test and structural brain imaging were administered to 57 subjects with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 94 controls in a general population sample. Cases had lower semantic cluster scores. Poorer verbal memory strategies were associated with longer duration of illness and heavier use of antipsychotic medication. After controlling for duration of illness, sex, and total gray matter, poorer verbal memory was associated with lower gray matter volume in the cingulate cortex, juxtapositional lobule, right superior temporal gyrus, and precuneus. After controlling for use of antipsychotic medication, there was an association between higher serial clustering and …
Construct validity and reliability of Finnish version of Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire
Abstract Introduction Chronic pain causes suffering for affected individuals and incurs costs to society through work disability. Interventions based on early screening of psychological risk factors for chronic pain using screening tools such as the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (ÖMPSQ) have been found to reduce work absenteeism and health care visits and increase perceived health. The aim of the current study was to translate the ÖMPSQ into Finnish and test its validity and reliability in a patient sample. Methods The ÖMPSQ was forward–backward translated and cross-culturally adapted, and applied to our study population (n = 69), the members of which had been referred…