Anna Nikkilä
Effects of Dissolved Organic Material on Binding and Toxicokinetics of Pyrene in the Waterflea Daphnia magna
The binding and bioavailability of pyrene was studied in the laboratory in two humic fresh waters and in a reference water without dissolved organic material (DOM), measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The uptake of pyrene by Daphnia magna in short-term (24 h) accumulation experiments was fitted to a first-order rate-kinetic equation to calculate simultaneous uptake and elimination rates. The partition coefficients of pyrene to DOC (KDOC) were 37.1 x 103 in Pielisjoki River (9.4 mg DOC L(-1)), and 34.9 x 103 in Lake Kontiolampi (17.4 mg DOC L(-1)) waters, indicating similar binding affinities of pyrene for both humic waters. The uptake clearance of pyrene (ku) in the DOC-rich Lake Ko…
Atrazine uptake, elimination, and bioconcentration by periphyton communities and Daphnia magna: effects of dissolved organic carbon.
The bioconcentration and toxicokinetics of atrazine in three different periphyton communities and in laboratory reared Daphnia magna were studied in natural and artificial waters with different dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and qualities. The exposure concentrations were similar to those short-lived peak concentrations found in contaminated waters. Atrazine uptake and elimination were very fast, and the bioconcentration was low both in periphyton and D. magna. The bioconcentration factors in D. magna were approx. 16% of those in periphyton. The uptake and elimination rates were also higher in periphyton than in Daphnia. The periphyton properties affected the bioconcentration…
Effects of organic material on the bioavailability, toxicokinetics and toxicity of xenobiotics in freshwater organisms
Pohjoisille ekosysteemeille tyypillinen runsas orgaanisen aineksen määrä joko liuenneena vedessä tai järvien pohjamudassa voi sitoa useita kemiallisia saasteita ja siten vähentää eliöiden altistumista niille sekä siitä syntyviä myös koko ekosysteemille haitallisia vaikutuksia. Anna Nikkilän tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että orgaaninen aines voi vähentää merkittävästi harvasukamadon sekä vesikirpun altistumista tietyille rasvaliukoisille ympäristömyrkyille aromaattisten monirenkaisten hiilivetyjen (pyreeni, reteeni) sekä kloorifenolien (2,4,5-trikloorifenoli, pentakloorifenoli) ryhmistä. Osa tutkituista yhdisteistä sitoutui orgaaniseen ainekseen eikä näin ollut eliöille altistavassa muodossa. V…
Sediment-associated retene bioavailability of sediment-associated retene to an oligochaete wormlumbriculus variegatus
The bioavailability of retene spiked to two sediment concentrations (50 and 200 µg/g dry weight) was measured in long-term (28-day) bioaccumulation tests performed on the oligochaeteLumbriculus variegatus Muller. Three sediment organic carbon (SOC) concentrations (1.1, 3.0, 23.0% of dry weight) were used. Growth and reproduction, used as endpoints, indicated that retene was chronically nontoxic at the concentrations employed. Retene was clearly bioavailable, but bioaccumulated about 100 times less in the SOC-rich (23.0%) sediment than in the other two (SOC <3.0%). At the lower retene concentration, retene in the worms was undetectable in the high-SOC sediment. Based on final retene present …
Toxicokinetics, toxicity and lethal body residues of two chlorophenols in the oligochaete worm, Lumbriculus variegatus, in different sediments
Bioavailability, toxicokinetics and toxicity (LC(50)) of water- and sediment-associated 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5-TCP) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) were measured in Lumbriculus variegatus Müller in a set of experiments. The critical body residue approach was applied by measuring also the lethal body residues (LBR(50)). Freshwater and three different sediments with various sediment organic carbon (SOC) concentrations were used as exposure media. SOC decreased the bioavailability of both chlorophenols, and the uptake rates decreased by 81% and 91% for 2,4,5-TCP and PCP, respectively, in the sediment with a SOC of 6.9% compared to those in sediment with a SOC of 0.5%. SOC appeared to be an i…
UV-B-Induced acute toxicity of pyrene to the waterflea Daphnia magna in natural freshwaters.
Abstract The effects of various water characteristics in natural freshwaters on the acute toxicity of one polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), pyrene, to a pelagic invertebrate Daphnia magna was studied under ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation and in the dark. Pyrene was photoactivated and was more toxic to D. magna in the presence of UV-B radiation. Dissolved organic material (DOM), measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), significantly reduced the photoenhanced toxicity of pyrene. Under UV-B radiation the EC50 values were lower and in relation to the amount of DOM, ranging from 3.0 to 30.0 μg/L pyrene, whereas in the dark they were between 29.2 and 54.8 μg/L and not related to the amount…