Isabelle Badenhausser
Comment favoriser les services écosystémiques assurés par la biodiversité des paysages agricoles ? Intérêts d’un réseau de sites d’observation à long terme
Atteindre l’objectif affiché de réduction du niveau d’usage de produits phytosanitaires tout en maintenant les niveaux de production des cultures implique la mise en place de stratégies de protection des cultures alternatives à la lutte chimique. L’adoption de pratiques plus favorables à la biodiversité dans les agroécosystèmes pourrait contribuer à augmenter les services de régulation biologique des ravageurs de culture. Il est établi que la biodiversité des milieux cultivés est modulée par des facteurs naturels et anthropiques agissant à différentes échelles spatiales, allant de la parcelle agricole au paysage, mais la compréhension des mécanismes écologiques qui produisent ces effets res…
Gestion durable des ressources naturelles en plaine céréalière : le rôle central des milieux pérennes dans les agro-écosystèmes céréaliers
Assortative pairing for boldness and consequences for reproductive success in Montagu’s harrier
Abstract Behavioural combination within pairs depending on personality and plasticity might influence reproductive success. However, studies testing this hypothesis are rare, especially in the case of monogamous species with bi-parental care in which the sexes exhibit different behavioural roles. In this study, we investigated the pairing patterns for both boldness and boldness plasticity in Montagu’s harriers (Circus pygargus), a species with sex-specific care, and the consequences for their reproductive success. We measured individual boldness and plasticity for both sexes, and we assessed the pairing pattern in the Montagu’s harrier population for these two traits. We calculated four ind…
Towards sustainable and multifunctional agriculture in farmland landscapes: Lessons from the integrative approach of a French LTSER platform
International audience; Agriculture is currently facing unprecedented challenges: ensuring food, fiber and energy production in the face of global change, maintaining the economic performance of farmers and preserving natural resources such as biodiversity and associated key ecosystem services for sustainable agriculture. Addressing these challenges requires innovative landscape scale farming systems that account for changing economic and environmental targets. These novel agricultural systems need to be recognized, accepted and promoted by all stakeholders, including local residents, and supported by public policies. Agroecosystems should be considered as socio-ecological systems and alter…