D. Tarpanov
Spectroscopic Properties of Nuclear Skyrme Energy Density Functionals
We address the question of how to improve the agreement between theoretical nuclear single-particle energies (SPEs) and experiment. Empirically, in doubly magic nuclei, the SPEs can be deduced from spectroscopic properties of odd nuclei that have one more, or one less neutron or proton. Theoretically, bare SPEs, before being confronted with experiment, must be corrected for the effects of the particle-vibration-coupling (PVC). In the present work, we determine the PVC corrections in a fully self-consistent way. Then, we adjust the SPEs, with PVC corrections included, to empirical data. In this way, the agreement with experiment, on average, improves; nevertheless, large discrepancies still …
Local suppression of collectivity in theN=80isotones at theZ=58subshell closure
) transition strengths [1] and thenumber of nucleons in the valence shell. The global behaviorof these quantities between the major shells as a function ofthe nucleon number is well understood in the frameworks ofboth collective and microscopic models. One could expect thatthese general trends in the collective properties between themajorshellsaremodulated bythesubshellstructure.However,it is usually thought that the pairing correlations with anenergy scale of about 2 MeV, smear out and dissolve thesubshell structure as long as the separation energies betweenthe subshells are only about a few hundred keV.The recently observed evolution of the isovectorquadrupole-collective valence-shell exc…
Propagation of uncertainties in the Skyrme energy-density-functional model
Parameters of nuclear energy-density-functionals (EDFs) are always derived by an optimization to experimental data. For the minima of appropriately defined penalty functions, a statistical sensitivity analysis provides the uncertainties of the EDF parameters. To quantify theoretical errors of observables given by the model, we studied the propagation of uncertainties within the UNEDF0 Skyrme-EDF approach. We found that typically the standard errors rapidly increase towards neutron rich nuclei. This can be linked to large uncertainties of the isovector coupling constants of the currently used EDFs.
Local suppression of collectivity in the N=80 isotones at the Z=58 subshell closure
Background: Recent data on N=80 isotones have suggested that the proton π(1g7/2) subshell closure at Z=58 has an impact on the properties of low-lying collective states. Purpose: Knowledge of the B(E2;2+1→0+1) value of 140Nd is needed in order to test this conjecture. Method: The unstable, neutron-rich nucleus 140Nd was investigated via projectile Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility with the MINIBALL spectrometer. Results: The B(E2) value of 33(2) W.u. expands the N=80 systematics beyond the Z=58 subshell closure. Conclusions: The measurement demonstrates that the reduced collectivity of 138Ce is a local effect possibly due to the Z=58 subshell closure and requests refined theoret…
Polarization corrections to single-particle energies studied within the energy-density-functional and quasiparticle random-phase approximation approaches
Background: Models based on using perturbative polarization corrections and mean-field blocking approxima- tion give conflicting results for masses of odd nuclei. Purpose: We systematically investigate the polarization and mean-field models, implemented within self- consistent approaches that use identical interactions and model spaces, to find reasons for the conflicts between them. Methods: For density-dependent interactions and with pairing correlations included, we derive and study links between the mean-field and polarization results obtained for energies of odd nuclei. We also identify and discuss differences between the polarization-correction and full particle-vibration-coupling (PV…
Spurious finite-size instabilities in nuclear energy density functionals: Spin channel
Background: It has been recently shown that some Skyrme functionals can lead to nonconverging results in the calculation of some properties of atomic nuclei. A previous study has pointed out a possible link between these convergence problems and the appearance of finite-size instabilities in symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) around saturation density. Purpose: We show that the finite-size instabilities not only affect the ground-state properties of atomic nuclei, but they can also influence the calculations of vibrational excited states in finite nuclei. Method: We perform systematic fully-self consistent random phase approximation (RPA) calculations in spherical doubly magic nuclei. We employ…
Polarization corrections to single-particle energies studied within the energy-density-functional and quasiparticle random-phase approximation approaches
Background: Models based on using perturbative polarization corrections and mean-field blocking approximation give conflicting results for masses of odd nuclei. Purpose: We systematically investigate the polarization and mean-field models, implemented within self-consistent approaches that use identical interactions and model spaces, to find reasons for the conflicts between them. Methods: For density-dependent interactions and with pairing correlations included, we derive and study links between the mean-field and polarization results obtained for energies of odd nuclei. We also identify and discuss differences between the polarization-correction and full particle-vibration-coupling (PVC) …
Polarization corrections to single-particle energies studied within the energy-density-functional and QRPA approaches
Background: Models based on using perturbative polarization corrections and mean-field blocking approximation give conflicting results for masses of odd nuclei. Purpose: Systematically investigate the polarization and mean-field models, implemented within self-consistent approaches that use identical interactions and model spaces, so as to find reasons for the conflicts between them. Methods: For density-dependent interactions and with pairing correlations included, we derive and study links between the mean-field and polarization results obtained for energies of odd nuclei. We also identify and discuss differences between the polarization-correction and full particle-vibration-coupling (PV…