A. Cardinale

Tolerability and efficacy of high-dose furosemide and small-volume hypertonic saline solution in refractory congestive heart failure

Thirty patients aged 65-85 years, with refractory New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV congestive heart failure (CHF) were treated with an intravenous infusion of furosemide (250-2000 mg/d) and small-volume hypertonic saline solution (150 mL of 1.4-4.6% NaCl) twice a day for 6 to 12 days. A daily fluid oral intake of 1000 mL and previous cardiac therapy were maintained. Clinical signs and symptoms of CHF, such as dyspnea, edema and weakness, improved, as did severity of illness as defined by NYHA class. The infusion was well tolerated. After a 12-month follow-up, 24 patients (80%) were alive and in the NYHA class assigned on discharge from the hospital. This therapeutic combination is…

research product

Imaging of non-glandular superficial metastases: A comparison of xeroradiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography

Between January 1983 and July 1987, 1,622 cancer patients were evaluated to outline the possible applications and limits of various investigative techniques for evaluating metastases. Seventy-three cases with superficial metastases of the dermal-hypodermal (59) layers, of the muscles (11) and of other target organs (3) were included in the study. Although non-glandular superficial metastases are a relatively rare occurrence, diagnostic imaging techniques are indicated for evaluating their extent and anatomical connections. Secondary neoplasms were studied using the imaging techniques of sonography, computed tomography and xeroradiography. The diagnostic reliability of these three techniques…

research product

Angiomiolipomi renali sanguinanti.Rilievi con TC

To describe our experience in three cases of abdominal haemorrhage caused by bleeding renal angiomyolipomas, which were studied with Computed Tomography (CT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study carried out at our archives identified 3 patients (aged 58.6 on average) with renal angiomyolipomas clinically manifested with acute abdomen and haemorrhage. The patients underwent an emergency CT scan of the abdomen. One patient also under-went a subsequent renal angiography. All patients had surgery and histological characterizations of the renal lesions. RESULTS: The CT study on all three patients allowed detection of a lesion in the kidneys with inhomogeneous density due to haemorrhage.…

research product

Treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell head and neck carcinoma with a combination of vinorelbine, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil: a multicenter phase II trial.

Summary Purpose Vinorelbine has been demonstrated to be active against squamous cell carcinomas of the headneck (SCHNC) and lung. This multicenter phase II trial was carried out to evaluate the activity and tolerability of the combination of vinorelbine, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil given on an outpatient schedule in a series of 80 patients with recurrent SCHNC. Patients and methods Eighty patients with recurrent and/ or metastatic SCHNC were treated with a combination of CDDP 80 mg/m2 on day 1, 5-FU 600 mg/m2 as a 4-hour infusion on days 2-5, and vinorelbine 25 mg/m2 on days 2 + 8. This cycle was repeated every 28 days. Most patients had oral cavity, larynx, or oropharynx carcinoma (88%).…

research product

Conservative treatment of initial breast cancer

The results of conservative surgical techniques (quadrantectomy or tumorectomy), axillary dissection and radiotherapy in 58 patients with initial breast cancer (Tt No, Mo) treated between June 1979 and December 1986 are reported. The disease-free survival rates after 5 and 8 years were 84% and 76% respectively. Four cases developed local recurrences (6.9%); 2 cases developed distant metastases involving lung and bone, and 1 case developed bone metastases without local recurrence. Two patients with local recurrence underwent radical life-saving mastectomy and are now free from disease.

research product

Bioeffects of ultrasound: an experimental study on human embryos.

Abstract The foetuses of 10 women at 9–12 weeks gestation were irradiated with ultrasound under typical diagnostic exposure conditions immediately prior to abortion. Electron microscopy of liver fragments revealed neither morphological nor structural changes.

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