Proton Shell Evolution below Sn132 : First Measurement of Low-Lying β -Emitting Isomers in Ag123,125
The β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich 123;125Ag isotopes is investigated at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of RIKEN and the long-predicted 1/2¯ β-emitting isomers in 123;125Ag are identified for the first time. With the new experimental results, the systematic trend of energy spacing between the lowest 9/2+ and 1/2¯ levels is extended in Ag isotopes up to N = 78, providing a clear signal for the reduction of the Z = 40 subshell gap in Ag towards N = 82. Shellmodel calculations with the state-of-the-art VMU plus M3Y spin-orbit interaction give a satisfactory description of the low-lying states in 123;125Ag. The tensor force is found to play a crucial role in the evolution of…