Betreuungsbedarf und subjektiver Unterstützungswunsch von Krebspatientinnen im Längsschnitt – Prädiktoren und Korrelate
The need for psychosocial support and patients' desire for psychosocial support in female cancer patients - predictors and correlates Objectives: The aims of the present study were to determine the need for psychosocial support of cancer patients, the subjective request for support and to examine the relationship between the need for psychosocial counselling, psychological distress and quality of life. Methods: 112 patients (consecutive) answered questionnaires about mental stress (GAD-2 and PHQ-2), quality of life (SF-8) as well as the Hornheide Screening Instrument (HSI) during their hospital stay (T1), two weeks (T2) and three months after their discharge (T3). Results: The need for psyc…