Rami Vainio
Radiation hardness studies of CdTe and for the SIXS particle detector on-board the BepiColombo spacecraft
Abstract We report of the radiation hardness measurements that were performed in the developing work of a particle detector on-board ESA's forthcoming BepiColombo spacecraft. Two different high- Z semiconductor compounds, cadmium telluride (CdTe) and mercuric iodide (HgI 2 ), were irradiated with 22 MeV protons in four steps to attain the estimated total dose of 10 12 p / cm 2 for the mission time. The performance of the detectors was studied before and after every irradiation with radioactive 55 Fe source Mn K α 5.9 keV emission line. We studied the impact of the proton beam exposure on detector leakage current, energy resolution and charge collection efficiency (CCE). Also the reconstruct…
Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: Design, integration and launch
The design, integration, testing, and launch of the first Finnish satellite Aalto-1 is briefly presented in this paper. Aalto-1, a three-unit CubeSat, launched into Sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of approximately 500 km, is operational since June 2017. It carries three experimental payloads: Aalto Spectral Imager (AaSI), Radiation Monitor (RADMON), and Electrostatic Plasma Brake (EPB). AaSI is a hyperspectral imager in visible and near-infrared (NIR) wavelength bands, RADMON is an energetic particle detector and EPB is a de-orbiting technology demonstration payload. The platform was designed to accommodate multiple payloads while ensuring sufficient data, power, radio, mechanica…
Radiation Tolerance Tests of Small-Sized CsI(Tl) Scintillators Coupled to Photodiodes
Radiation tolerance of small-sized CsI (Tl) crystals coupled to silicon photodiodes was studied by using protons. Irradiations up to the fluence of 1012 protons/cm2 were used. Degradation of light output by less than 5% was achieved.