P. Becker
The Inchworm as a precision translator in a high magnetic field and UHV environment
Abstract A new set-up has been designed and tested for on-line, high-precision mass measurements of short-lived radioactive isotopes via a determination of the ion cyclotron resonance. Ions delivered by the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva are stored in a Penning trap installed in a superconducting solenoid. Due to severe space limitations in the bore of the solenoid, it is impossible to use conventional mechanical feedthroughs for the necessary manipulations inside the uhv chamber. Instead, a number of Inchworms, a high-precision positioning device based on the piezo-electric effect are employed. This publication reports on the first application of this device in a uhv envir…
Extended Skyrme pseudopotential deduced from infinite nuclear matter properties
We discuss the contributions to the equation of state for the NlLO Skyrme pseudopotential (l = 2,3). We show that by adding fourth- and sixth-order gradient terms, it is possible to fairly reproduce the spin/isospin decomposition of an equation of state obtained from ab initio methods. Moreover, by inspecting the partial-wave decomposition of the equation of state, we show for the first time a possible way to add explicit constraints on the sign of the tensor terms of the Skyrme interaction.
Solution of universal nonrelativistic nuclear DFT equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (IX) HFODD (v3.06h) : a new version of the program
We describe the new version (v3.06h) of the code HFODD that solves the universal nonrelativistic nuclear DFT Hartree-Fock or Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov problem by using the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. In the new version, we implemented the following new features: (i) zero-range three- and four-body central terms, (ii) zero-range three-body gradient terms, (iii) zero-range tensor terms, (iv) zero-range isospin-breaking terms, (v) finite-range higher-order regularized terms, (vi) finite-range separable terms, (vii) zero-range two-body pairing terms, (viii) multi-quasiparticle blocking, (ix) Pfaffian overlaps, (x) particle-number and parity symmetry restoration, (xi) axializatio…
Infinite matter properties and zero-range limit of nonrelativistic finite-range interactions
We discuss some infinite matter properties of two finite-range interactions widely used for nuclear structure calculations, namely Gogny and M3Y interactions. We show that some useful informations can be deduced for the central, tensor and spin-orbit terms from the spin-isospin channels and the partial wave decomposition of the symmetric nuclear matter equation of state. We show in particular that the central part of the Gogny interaction should benefit from the introduction of a third Gaussian and the tensor parameters of both interactions can be deduced from special combinations of partial waves. We also discuss the fact that the spin-orbit of the M3Y interaction is not compatible with lo…
Extended Skyrme pseudo-potential deduced from infinite matter properties
We discuss the contributions to the Equation of State for the N$\ell$LO Skyrme pseudo-potential ($\ell$=2,3). We show that by adding 4th and 6th order gradient terms, it is possible to fairly reproduce the spin/isospin decomposition of an equation of state obtained from \emph{ab-initio} methods. Moreover, by inspecting the partial-wave decomposition of the equation of state, we show for the first time a possible way to add explicit constraints on the sign of the tensor terms of the Skyrme interaction.
Tools for incorporating a D-wave contribution in Skyrme energy density functionals
International audience; The possibility of adding a D-wave term to the standard Skyrme effective interaction has been widely considered in the past. Such a term has been shown to appear in the next-to-next-to-leading order of the Skyrme pseudo-potential. The aim of the present article is to provide the necessary tools to incorporate this term in a fitting procedure: first, a mean-field equation written in spherical symmetry in order to describe spherical nuclei and second, the response function to detect unphysical instabilities. With these tools it will be possible to build a new fitting procedure to determine the coupling constants of the new functional.
Solution of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations and fitting procedure using the N2LO Skyrme pseudopotential in spherical symmetry
International audience; We present the development of the extended Skyrme N2LO pseudopotential in the case of spherical even-even nuclei calculations. The energy density functional is first presented. Then we derive the mean-field equations and discuss the numerical method used to solve the resulting fourth-order differential equation together with the behavior of the solutions at the origin. Finally, a fitting procedure for such an N2LO interaction is discussed and we provide a first parametrization. Typical ground-state observables are calculated and compared against experimental data.
Partial wave decomposition of finite-range effective tensor interaction
We perform a detailed analysis of the properties of the finite-range tensor term associated with the Gogny and M3Y effective interactions. In particular, by using a partial-wave decomposition of the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter, we show how we can extract their tensor parameters directly from microscopic results based on bare nucleon-nucleon interactions. Furthermore, we show that the zero-range limit of both finite-range interactions has the form of the next-to-next-to-next-leading-order (N3LO) Skyrme pseudopotential, which thus constitutes a reliable approximation in the density range relevant for finite nuclei. Finally, we use Brueckner-Hartree-Fock results to fix the te…
Does the Gogny interaction need a third Gaussian?
International audience; By considering infinite matter constraints only, we suggest in this paper that the Gogny interaction should benefit from a third Gaussian in its central part. A statistical analysis is given to select the possible ranges which are compatible with these constraints and which minimize a $\chi^2$ function.