Guillermo Valera-marín
Corrigendum: Wired for motherhood: induction of maternal care but not maternal aggression in virgin female CD1 mice
Corrigendum: Wired for motherhood: induction of maternal care but not maternal aggression in virgin female CD1 mice
Virgin adult female mice display nearly spontaneous maternal care towards foster pups after a short period of sensitization. This indicates that maternal care is triggered by sensory stimulation provided by the pups and that its onset is largely independent on the physiological events related to gestation, parturition and lactation. Conversely, the factors influencing maternal aggression are poorly understood. In this study, we sought to characterize two models of maternal sensitization in the outbred CD1 strain. To do so, a group of virgin females (godmothers) were exposed to continuous cohabitation with a lactating dam and their pups from the moment of parturition, whereas a second group …