N. Brack

Induction Therapy with Idarubicin, Ara-C, and VP-16, Followed by G-CSF and Maintenance Immunotherapy with Interleukin-2 for High-Risk AML

Aggressive chemotherapy followed by administration of G-CSF and maintenance therapy with interleukin-2 was evaluated in 16 patients with advanced myelodxysplastic syndrome, 47 patients with AML evolving from myelodysplastic syndromes, 3 patients with subacute myeloid leukemia and 5 patients with secondary AML. Median age was 59 years (range: 23 to 76 years). All patients achieving a complete remission (CR) after two induction courses went on to receive two consolidation courses, to be followed by randomization to either high-dose or low-dose IL-2 to evaluate the potential of IL-2 to eliminate residual leukemic cells and to prolong the duration of CR. Patients ≤ age 55 with an HLA identical …

research product

Chemotherapy with Idarubicin, Ara-C,VP-16, Amsacrine, Followed by G-CSF and Maintenance Immunotherapy with Interleukin-2 for Patients with High-Risk Acute Myeloid leukemia: a 3-Years Follow-Up

To improve the complete remission (CR) rate and to prolong CR duration in patients with advanced MDS, AML evolving from MDS, and secondary AML, a phase-III trial of aggressive chemotherapy followed by G-CSF was initiated in January 1992. Pts. achieving a CR were randomized to receive either high-dose or low-dose IL-2 to evaluate the potential of this cytokine to eliminate residual leukemic cells and to prolong the CR duration.

research product

The rapid atmospheric monitoring system of the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility built to detect air showers produced by cosmic rays above 1017 eV. During clear nights with a low illuminated moon fraction, the UV fluorescence light produced by air showers is recorded by optical telescopes at the Observatory. To correct the observations for variations in atmospheric conditions, atmospheric monitoring is performed at regular intervals ranging from several minutes (for cloud identification) to several hours (for aerosol conditions) to several days (for vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity). In 2009, the monitoring program was upgraded to allow for additional targeted measurements of atmospheric conditions shor…

research product

Intensive chemotherapy with idarubicin, ara-C, etoposide, and m-AMSA followed by immunotherapy with interleukin-2 for myelodysplastic syndromes and high-risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Intensive chemotherapy followed by treatment with interleukin-2 (IL-2) was evaluated in a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial including 18 patients with refractory anemia with excess of blasts in transformation (RAEB-T), 86 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) evolving from myelodysplastic syndromes, and six patients with secondary AML after previous chemotherapy. Median age was 58 years (range: 18-76 years). Forty-nine patients (45%) achieved a complete remission (CR) after two induction cycles with idarubicin, ara-C, and etoposide, 52% of them aged/=60 years and 35% aged60 years (p=0.06). After two consolidation courses, patients were randomized to four cycles of either high-…

research product