A. Werner

Effect of the surface charge of liposomes on their uptake by angiogenic tumor vessels

Recently, cationic liposomes have been shown to preferentially target the angiogenic endothelium of tumors. It was the aim of our study to investigate the influence of liposomal surface charge on the uptake and kinetics of liposomes into solid tumors and tumor vasculature. Experiments were performed in the amelanotic hamster melanoma A-Mel-3 growing in the dorsal skinfold chamber preparation of male Syrian golden hamsters. Fluorescently labeled liposomes with different surface charge were prepared. Accumulation of i.v. injected liposomes was assessed by quantitative intravital fluorescence microscopy of tumor and surrounding host tissue. The histological distribution of liposomes was analyz…

research product

Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

After completing the main construction phase of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) and successfully commissioning the device, first plasma operation started at the end of 2015. Integral commissioning of plasma start-up and operation using electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and an extensive set of plasma diagnostics have been completed, allowing initial physics studies during the first operational campaign. Both in helium and hydrogen, plasma breakdown was easily achieved. Gaining experience with plasma vessel conditioning, discharge lengths could be extended gradually. Eventually, discharges lasted up to 6 s, reaching an injected energy of 4 MJ, which is twice the limit originally agreed for t…

research product

Overview of diagnostic performance and results for the first operation phase in Wendelstein 7-X (invited)

Wendelstein 7-X, a superconducting optimized stellarator built in Greifswald/Germany, started its first plasmas with the last closed flux surface (LCFS) defined by 5 uncooled graphite limiters in December 2015. At the end of the 10 weeks long experimental campaign (OP1.1) more than 20 independent diagnostic systems were in operation, allowing detailed studies of many interesting plasma phenomena. For example, fast neutral gas manometers supported by video cameras (including one fast-frame camera with frame rates of tens of kHz) as well as visible cameras with different interference filters, with field of views covering all ten half-modules of the stellarator, discovered a MARFE-like radiati…

research product

Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation

Abstract The optimized superconducting stellarator device Wendelstein 7-X (with major radius , minor radius , and plasma volume) restarted operation after the assembly of a graphite heat shield and 10 inertially cooled island divertor modules. This paper reports on the results from the first high-performance plasma operation. Glow discharge conditioning and ECRH conditioning discharges in helium turned out to be important for density and edge radiation control. Plasma densities of with central electron temperatures were routinely achieved with hydrogen gas fueling, frequently terminated by a radiative collapse. In a first stage, plasma densities up to were reached with hydrogen pellet injec…

research product

Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X limiter plasmas

Observations on confinement in the first experimental campaign on the optimized Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X are summarized. In this phase W7-X was equipped with five inboard limiters only and thus the discharge length restricted to avoid local overheating. Stationary plasmas are limited to low densities <2–3 · 1019 m−3. With the available 4.3 MW ECR Heating core Te ~ 8 keV, Ti ~ 1–2 keV are achieved routinely resulting in energy confinement time τE between 80 ms to 150 ms. For these conditions the plasmas show characteristics of core electron root confinement with peaked Te-profiles and positive Er up to about half of the minor radius. Profiles and plasma currents respond to on- and off-axi…

research product

The rapid atmospheric monitoring system of the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility built to detect air showers produced by cosmic rays above 1017 eV. During clear nights with a low illuminated moon fraction, the UV fluorescence light produced by air showers is recorded by optical telescopes at the Observatory. To correct the observations for variations in atmospheric conditions, atmospheric monitoring is performed at regular intervals ranging from several minutes (for cloud identification) to several hours (for aerosol conditions) to several days (for vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity). In 2009, the monitoring program was upgraded to allow for additional targeted measurements of atmospheric conditions shor…

research product

Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements

Number concentrations of total and non-volatile aerosol particles with size diameters >0.01 &mu;m as well as particle size distributions (0.4&ndash;23 &mu;m diameter) were measured in situ in the Arctic lower stratosphere (10&ndash;20.5 km altitude). The measurements were obtained during the campaigns European Polar Stratospheric Cloud and Lee Wave Experiment (EUPLEX) and Envisat-Arctic-Validation (EAV). The campaigns were based in Kiruna, Sweden, and took place from January to March 2003. Measurements were conducted onboard the Russian high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica using the low-pressure Condensation Nucleus Counter COPAS (COndensation PArticle Counter System) and a modified F…

research product

Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X

The next step in the Wendelstein stellarator line is the large superconducting device Wendelstein 7-X, currently under construction in Greifswald, Germany. Steady-state operation is an intrinsic feature of stellarators, and one key element of the Wendelstein 7-X mission is to demonstrate steady-state operation under plasma conditions relevant for a fusion power plant. Steady-state operation of a fusion device, on the one hand, requires the implementation of special technologies, giving rise to technical challenges during the design, fabrication and assembly of such a device. On the other hand, also the physics development of steady-state operation at high plasma performance poses a challeng…

research product