Eija Hanhimäki
The Cultural and Social Foundations of Ethical Educational Leadership in Finland
This chapter provides the Finnish scope on cultural and social foundations of ethical educational leadership. Finland is often seen as an outlier. Predominant transnational trends are recognized but they tend to reach Finland with a delay and manifest themselves somewhat differently from the mainstream. There are contextual reasons for the deviance. We will present these focusing on how cultural and social aspects have been evolving in Finland. Furthermore, we will analyse the constituents, organisation and responsibilities embedded in the Finnish education system. This analysis makes use of contemporary education policy documents including legislation and other regulations, curricula, and …
Toimijuuden ja identiteetin yksilölliset ja sosiaaliset painotukset korkeakoulutettujen urapoluilla
Tarkastelemme tutkimuksessa toimijuutta ja identiteettiä korkeakoulutettujen uratarinoissa. korkeakoulutettujen urapolkuja tutkimalla tunnistamme sekä korkeakoulutettujen urien rakentumisen tapoja että yksilön ja yhteiskunnan asettamien odotusten ja tavoitteiden merkitystä urapoluilla. Aineisto koostui Töissä.fi-verkkopalvelun kautta kerätyistä korkeakoulutettujen uratarinoista (N = 462). Tutkimusaineiston narratiivisessa analyysissa tarkastelimme, millaisia urapolkuja uratarinoista oli tunnistettavissa sekä millaisia toimijuuden ja identiteetin yksilöllisiä ja sosiaalisia painotuksia uratarinat sisälsivät. Analyysin pohjalta loimme seitsemän uratyyppitarinaa, jotka nimesimme urapolun raken…
Teachers’ Implicit Meaning Systems and Their Implications for Pedagogical Thinking and Practice: A Case Study from Finland
ABSTRACTThis qualitative case study examines teachers’ implicit meaning systems built around their core beliefs on the malleability of human qualities. Previous research has demonstrated the influence of students’ implicit theories on motivation and achievement and has presented successful interventions for students. However, research on teachers’ implicit theories and, in particular, their actualization in natural environments is lacking. The data for this study include observations and stimulated recall interviews with two Finnish teachers whose opposing implicit theories were first indicated in 2000 by Carol Dweck . The results depict how these teachers’ implicit meaning systems influenc…
Dialogues of Joy : Shared Moments of Joy Between Teachers and Children in Early Childhood Education Settings
Abstract The study focuses on teachers’ and children’s shared moments of joy in early childhood education settings and contributes new knowledge in educational research by exploring joy as a relational rather than an individual phenomenon. The theoretical and methodological framework draws on a narrative approach and Martin Buber’s dialogical philosophy. Data were gathered through video observations and diary notes in open ECE groups in Finland, with children from 2 to 6 years. The scenes of everyday life in ECE appeared to radiate an overall positive atmosphere. However, the relationship between shared joy and dialogue was multifaceted. On one hand, joyful moments between teachers and chil…
Onko hoppu? -kehittämistutkimus : yliopisto-opiskelijoiden urasuunnittelutaitojen ja työelämävalmiuksien vahvistaminen
The implications of teachers’ implicit theories for moral education: A case study from Finland
Implicit theories concerning the malleability of human qualities are known to have a powerful impact on motivation and learning, but their role in moral education is an under-researched topic. In this qualitative case study, we examined the impact of implicit theories on four Finnish teachers’ practices of teaching morally and in teaching morality. The data include preliminary and stimulated recall interviews (STR) as well as classroom observations. Our results demonstrate the multiple ways in which teachers’ implicit beliefs are communicated to students and influence teacher’s interpretations and endeavors to educate the ethical capabilities of students. The study provides evidence for the…