Hannakaisa Isomäki

Evaluating End-user Support : Validating the Use of Multiple Media in a CSCW Application

Human-centred views on information systems are gaining more and more attention in IS community. The need to evaluate information systems from such a perspective is thus evident. In this paper, we exploit our earlier developed theoretical framework for evaluating end-user support in information systems, and demonstrate its usage in validating the use of multiple communication and collaboration media in a CSCW application. The evaluation is performed in terms of user perception in ISD process, users’ role in organizational information processing, and users’ behavioural nuances. Our study shows that a context specific theoretical framework is useful in validating the empirical results of syste…

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The Human Modes of Being in Investigating User Experience

An important challenge for interaction designers is to understand factors that shape user experience, and novel approaches are being developed to establish user experience as a specific field of research. Previous attempts to provide a comprehensive theory of user experience have focused on analyzing sensations and emotions as well as perceptions and behaviors. A holistic view of human experience is still lacking. I argue that a holistic view of the human being is needed to provide the appropriate theoretical foundations for user experience analyses in diverse contexts. In this chapter I introduce a theoretical framework for understanding human experience, and discuss how such a holistic vi…

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Challenges of Government Enterprise Architecture Work – Stakeholders’ Views

At present, a vast transformation within government systems is executed towards electronic government. In some countries, this change is initiated as enterprise architecture work. This paper introduces results from an empirical study on different stakeholders' views on enterprise architecture development within Finnish state government. The data is gathered from 21 interviews accomplished during spring 2007 among participants of the Interoperability Programme of Finnish state administration. The interviewees represent different sectors and levels of Finnish government and IT companies. On the basis of qualitative data analysis we discuss challenges of enterprise architecture work in the con…

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Secure Collaborative Learning Practices and Mobile Technology

During the past few years, mobile technologies have become common in everyday life. Almost everyone carry some kind of mobile technological equipment with him or her, for example a personal digital assistant (PDA), a mobile phone, a multimedia player, such as an iPod, or a laptop computer. The use of these equipments is not limited only to workplaces, schools or homes. Particularly useful information and communication technologies (ICTs) are in educational settings. Especially wireless networks and laptop computers may promote many useful practices of collaborative learning (Cutshall, Changchit, & Elwood, 2006; Jones, Holmfeld, & Lindström, 2006). On the one hand, the use of mobile …

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Identifying objectives for a learning space management system with value-focused thinking

A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending on the needs, some students may need more tactile and inspiring surroundings with various pedagogical accessories while others benefit from a simplified environment without unnecessary stimuli. This understanding is applied to a new Finnish special education school building with open and adaptable learning spaces. We have joined the initiative creation process by developing software support for these new spaces in the form of a learning space management system. Participatory design and value-focused thinking were implemented to elicit the actual values of all the stakeholders involved and transf…

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Designing and Implementing a CSCL-based Course on the Data Security of a Wireless Learning Environment

This article reports on a design-based research (DBR) process for designing and implementing a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) course on the data security of wireless learning environments. The study focuses on examining how university students practice data security when learning on a wireless campus, how data security aspects appear in this study and how students perceive the role of data security in CSCL. The research subjects included six pilot students and eight students enrolled in the course. To promote the reliability of the findings, various kinds of data were used. The data was analysed following the grounded theory approach. The results suggest that data security…

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University Teachers as Developers of Technology-Enhanced Teaching—Do Beliefs Matter?

Previous research has identified a well-established link between teachers' beliefs and the practical implications of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Until recently, there have been few studies ...

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Introducing usability heuristics for mobile map applications

In this paper, a set of heuristics for evaluating the usability of mobile map applications is introduced. We developed the heuristics by exploring the present generic heuristics and then forming new theory-based heuristics. Usability specialists tested the heuristics by evaluating the usability of a mobile map application with both generic and domain-specific heuristics. As a result, more usability problems were found with the proposed domain-specific heuristics. In addition, based on the evaluators’ views the initial domain-specific heuristics were further developed. We conclude by proposing domain-specific usability heuristics for evaluating the mobile map applications. peerReviewed

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Tietotekniikan kandidaattiseminaarin kehityspolkuja 2012-2015

Jyväskylän yliopiston Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan Tietotekniikan laitoksella selvitettiin kandidaatintutkielmien tehokkaamman edistymisen mahdollisuuksia kandidaattiseminaaria kehittämällä ja ohjausresursseja keskittämällä. Aiemman toteutustavan analysoinnin ja tutkimusongelman muotoilun pohjalta suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin useita tutkimus- ja kehitystoimenpiteitä, joiden tuloksena syntyi vaiheistamiseen ja tiedeviestinnän entistä saumattomampaan integrointiin perustuva KandiX-malli. Tässä raportissa kuvataan mallin iteratiivista kehittämistä ja vuosien 2012-2015 aikana saatuja tuloksia, joiden mukaan kandidaatintutkielman työstämiseen kuluva aika on lyhentynyt muutamaan kuukauteen…

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Nuances of Human-Centredness in Information Systems Development

Numerous methods, methodologies, approaches, techniques and tools have been developed over the years to ensure successful accomplishment of information system development (ISD) projects in terms of user satisfaction. However, different methodologies and approaches perceive the user differently; sometimes the user is seen as an anonymous 'object' that is going to use the system, or as an evaluator confirming the correctness of the design, or even as a critical contributor along the way to user-friendly information system. Each of these approaches has their own benefits from the ISD point of view but they lack a holistic view of the user. In this paper, we will review the trajectories of ISD …

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