Caterina Barone

Optimising Lactic Acid Cheese Packaging Systems

On the basis of a previous research, it seems that foil-wrapped tray solutions are not particularly chosen by lactic acid cheese consumers. With relation to this study, almost half of the respondent population would have expressed the desire of different packages. Parchment packages and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)/polyvinylidene chloride/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) laminates would be removed by 25.0 and 12.5% of customers, respectively. Polyamide/polyethylene double and single packaging would be removed from the market only by 5.0% of respondents. Data have shown that cheese and packaging quality are dependent on lactic acid cheese surface microflora. The type of this microflora is …

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The Production of Industrial Cow’s Milk Curds

By the historical viewpoint, cheeses are the final product of a complex work starting from milk. This liquid substance has to be coagulated: as a result, a heterogeneous matter—curd—is precipitated from the original milk. The rough composition of this intermediate influences the chemical composition of the final cheese. For these reasons, the production of industrial curds should be studied with attention. Different systems are available at present, but the mail process concerns always the coagulation of the original milk and the production of readily available curds for immediate or subsequent use (near the same cheesemaker or in different locations).This chapter discusses the normal produ…

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Chemical Correlations Between Industrial Curds and Final Cheeses. Can Cheesemakers Standardise Productions?

The chemical composition of milks and curds influences the microbial ecology and chemical features of produced cheeses. This statement is quite obvious because ‘normal’ cheeses—products with a prevailing ingredient, milk—are obtained by means of the transformation of the main raw material and the addition of minor components. Because of the possible scarcity of readily available milk in many regions or economic areas, the industry of milk and dairy products, including cheeses, has improved the production of ready-to-use curds. These products, also named ‘industrial curds’, are produced exclusively for further cheesemaking processes. For this reason, ready-to-use curds are pre-packaged with …

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Privacy, Sicurezza e Libertà nell’era della sorveglianza di massa e dell’emergenza terrorismo

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Evolutive Profiles of Caseins and Degraded Proteins in Industrial Cow’s Milk Curds

The importance of prepackaged curds in the current cheese market is increased in the last years because of the persistence of cyclic periods with remarkable diminution of stored raw materials. Consequently, the cyclic deficiency of cow’s milk may determine the subsequent lack of correlated derivatives and force manufacturers to use prepackaged curds. Because of the critical importance of the chemical and microbiological ‘quality’ of these curds, the study of evolutive profiles of casein contents in selected industrial curds should be recommended. The aim of this chapter has been to show the analytical results of an industrial study carried out on seven different cow’s milk curds during stor…

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Chemical Evolution of Nitrogen-based Compounds in Mozzarella Cheeses

This Brief evaluates the consequences of protein modifications in cheeses, with special emphasis on mozzarella cheeses. It explains the influence of biogenic amines on food quality and safety. As certain biogenic amines display a toxic potential to humans, considerable research has been undertaken in recent years to evaluate their presence in fermented foods, such as cheeses. This Brief summarizes how the presence of amines is influenced by different factors such as cheese variety, seasoning and microflora. The authors compare typical profiles of different products, e.g. ripe vs. unripe cheeses, focusing also on the different types of mozzarella cheeses. The Brief also introduces several an…

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