Bonastre Oliete
Effet de la variété sur les teneurs en métabolites secondaires dans les farines de pois
National audience
Improvement of the techno-functional properties of pea proteins by microfluidization
The use of pea (Pisum sativum (L.)) proteins in the food industry is still limited despite their good environmental sustainability, heath-oriented composition, reliable origin and stable price. However, one of the most important limitations is their low solubility which determines a number of their techno-functional properties. Microfluidization is a non-thermal emerging technology that may modify the structure and the techno-functional properties of pea proteins. Microfluidization combines high shear forces due to the stream speed and direction; impact forces from collisions with the walls and with the fluid itself; and turbulence inside the chamber. The objective of this work was to evalu…
Le stress biotique, le décorticage ou la variété influencent la présence d'off-flavors dans la farine de pois
National audience