Iulian Pah
Computer Mediated Communication and Collaboration in a Virtual Learning Environment Based on a Multi-agent System with Wasp-Like Behavior
In this paper is presented a model for an adaptive multi-agent system for dynamic routing of the grants' activities from a learning environment, based on the adaptive wasp colonies behavior. The agents use wasp task allocation behavior, combined with a model of wasp dominance hierarchy formation. The model we introduced allows the assignment of activities in a grant, taking into account the specialization of students, their experience and the complexity of activities already taken. An adaptive method allows students to enter in the Grant system for the first time. The system is changing dynamic, because both the type of activities and the students involved in the system change. Our approach…
Ant Colony Models for a Virtual Educational Environment Based on a Multi-Agent System
We have designed a virtual learning environment where students interact through their computers and with the software agents in order to achieve a common educational goal. The Multi-Agent System (MAS) consisting of autonomous, cognitive and social agents communicating by messages is used to provide a group decision support system for the learning environment. Learning objects are distributed in a network and have different weights in function of their relevance to a specific educational goal. The relevance of a learning object can change in time; it is affected by students', agents' and teachers' evaluation. We have used an ant colony behavior model for the agents that play the role of a tu…