Brigitte Bernard-chabert

Impact pronostique de la concentration de 3-hydroxymyristate sur la survie des patients atteints de cirrhose alcoolique ou virale

Etat de la question Le role de l’endotoxemie liee a la translocation bacterienne sur l’aggravation de la cirrhose fait l’objet de nombreuses etudes, mais son impact sur la mortalite au cours de la cirrhose est mal connu. Le but de ce travail etait d’etudier l’impact de la concentration sanguine de 3-hydroxymyristate (3-HM) total (composant specifique des lipopolysaccharides, endotoxine), sur le risque de deces et de complications des malades cirrhotiques. Materiel et methodes Au total, 593 patients atteints de cirrhose alcoolique ou virale, sans carcinome hepatocellulaire ont ete inclus entre 2008 et 2012 dans six centres hospitalo-universitaires francais. Le dosage de 3-HM total, libre et …

research product

Prognostic Impact of 3-HM Concentration in Patients with Alcoholic or Viral Cirrhosis

The role of endotoxemia related to intestinal bacterial translocation in worsening liver disease is the subject of many studies, but its impact on cirrhosis mortality has not been well evaluated. In this study, 3-hydroxymyristate (3-HM) (specific lipid of lipopolysaccharides) was directly quantified by an innovative patented assay with the aim of assessing the impact on cirrhosis mortality. The 3-HM concentration was measured in 593 patients with alcoholic or viral cirrhosis in stable clinical condition. A Cox hazards regression model was used to evaluate association between 3-HM and its fractions bound or nor bound to lipoprotein and the mortality. The 3-HM concentration was increased in p…

research product