Tristan Lurthy
Impact of Bacterial Siderophores on Iron Status and Ionome in Pea
National audience; Including more grain legumes in cropping systems is important for the development of agroecological practices and the diversification of protein sources for human and animal consumption. Grain legume yield and quality is impacted by abiotic stresses resulting from fluctuating availabilities in essential nutrients such as iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC). Promoting plant iron nutrition could mitigate IDC that currently impedes legume cultivation in calcareous soils, and increase the iron content of legume seeds and its bioavailability. There is growing evidence that plant microbiota contribute to plant iron nutrition and might account for variations in the sensitivity of pe…
Interactions between Pisum sativum & pseudomonads, consequences on plant iron nutrition and growth and immunity
Pea has a high potential in agroecology, however, it may suffer from a susceptibility to iron deficiency in calcareous soils. This susceptibility varies depending on cultivars. Pseudomonad siderophores, pyoverdines (pvd), were shown to promote iron nutrition in Arabidopsis and tobacco. The hypothesis was therefore raised that variation in iron susceptibility between pea cultivars could be related to differences in their ability to recruit fluorescent pseudomonads (fp) contributing to siderophore-mediated iron nutrition. Our aims were to compare i) the impact of a susceptible (S) and a tolerant (T) cultivar of pea on fp biodiversity with a focus on their pvd, and in return ii) the impact of …
Influence of pea genotype on root associated fluorescent pseudomonads, impact on plant iron nutrition
International audience; Pea has a high potential in agroecology because of its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and for Humannutrition due to the high amino-acids content of its seeds. However, pea can suffer from a susceptibility toiron deficiency in calcareous soils as expressed by chlorosis symptoms. Previous studies have shown thatsiderophores of model strains of fluorescent pseudomonads (fp), pyoverdines, promote iron nutrition ofarabidopsis and tobacco. We hypothesized that susceptibility to iron deficiency of pea is at least partly dueto its ability to select fluorescent pseudomonad that promote differentially plant nutrition thanks to theirsiderophores.To identify siderophores po…
Contribution of fluorescent pseudomonads to iron nutrition and health of pea
Report on the interaction between pea and fluorescent pseudomonads and the potential impact on the plant iron nutrition
Metabolic fate of a bacterial siderophore in Arabidopsis thaliana and Pisum sativum in relationship with iron status in plants
Despite its abundance, iron is weakly bioavailable for organisms due to its poor solubility in soils under aerobic conditions. Therefore, plants and other organisms have evolved mechanisms to efficiently assimilate iron from the soil. Non-grass plants use a strategy (strategy I) based on soil acidification, reduction of the Fe3+ in Fe2+ which incorporated in the roots by iron transporters. We previously showed (Shirley et al., 2011; Vansuyt et al., 2007) that iron nutrition and growth of a strategy I plant could be promoted by the ferric-complex of the pyoverdine (Fe-pvd), a siderophore produced by microorganisms. If pyoverdine was further localized in planta using different immunological t…
Influence of pea genotype on root-associated pseudomonads, impact on the plant protection against fungal pathogens
International audience
Importance de la diversité des Pseudomonas rhizosphériques et de celle de leurs sidérophores dans la nutrition en fer de la plante hôte
Influence of pea genotype on root associated fluorescent pseudomonads, consequences for plant iron nutrition
Pea has a high potential in agroecology because of its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and in Human nutrition because of the high aminoacid content of its grains. However, pea may suffer from a susceptibility to iron deficiency in calcareous soils. This susceptibility varies depending on cultivars. Pseudomonad siderophores, pyoverdines (pvd), were shown to promote iron nutrition in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Thus, we hypothesize that variations in iron susceptibility between pea cultivars could be related to differences in their ability to recruit fluorescent pseudomonad (fp) contributing to siderophore-mediated iron nutrition. Our aims were to compare i) the impact of a susceptible (S) a…
Interaction Pisum sativum (pois)- Pseudomonas: Conséquences sur la nutrition en fer, la croissance et l’immunité de la plante hôte
SPEEABIOMEDOCT INRA; Le projet vise à progresser dans notre connaissances des interactions pois – Pseudomonas afin d’améliorer la nutrition en fer et la santé de la plante-hôte. Le pois représente un fort potentiel en agroécologie (symbiose fixatrice d’azote) et en nutrition humaine (graines riches en acides aminés). Cependant, sa culture est sensible à la carence en fer et à certains phytopathogènes. Pour promouvoir la nutrition en fer et la santé du pois, l’objectif est de valoriser les pyoverdines, sidérophores produits par les Pseudomonas spp. fluorescents, dont certains peuvent améliorer la nutrition en fer de plantes et sont responsables d’antagonisme envers des phytopathogènes. La st…
Pisum sativum – Pseudomonas interactions : influence on iron nutrution, growth and immunity of the host plant
The project aimed at making progress in the knowledge of the iron-mediated interactions between pea and fluorescent pseudomonads in order to promote the iron-nutrition and health of the host-plant. A bibliographical study was conducted to draw up the state of the art concerning the influence of rhizosphere microorganisms on plant iron status (Chapter 1).Pisum sativum has been chosen as an agronomic model-plant because of its high potential in agroecology and in Human nutrition related to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and to the high amino-acids content of its seeds. However, this species suffers from a high susceptibility to iron deficiency as expressed by the well-known chlorosis…